The Marxists on here and all the evil woolley social-working sociology A level studenty d!ck wipes can go and take a running jump.
Sexual assault and rape is one of the few crimes where class is not really an issue.
Therefore all this hogwash about his upbringing holds no weight at all.
The age of criminal responsibilty is set at Ten. He was twelve.
He should have acid thrown over his under-developed and hairless genitals, his eys gauged out with a rusty screwdriver and have his patella smashed.
Then given some warm clothes and food to keep him alive and set free on the Scottish Highlands.
The boy is scum, probably born evil regardless of his foul parents.
Regarding the parent or parents, I do not believe they should be punished for the boys actions. Yes the possible emotional, physical, or sexual abuse they may have inflicted of course needs to be investigated and dealt with accordingly, but held accountable for the boys actions NO.
Yes, people may say I am a touch harsh wishing life long sufferring on a 12 year old, but if I had a daughter of 7 who was even slapped by a 12 year boy, let alone raped, I can assure you he will at least lose his eys, his penis and the use of his legs.
I hope he does the decent thing and adds to the statistics of child suicides. Save the decent tax payer a fortune.
Rot in hell Rapist-Boy.