Pesonally, I think that the sentence was very lenient. She was sending a text whilst driving and killed someone.
Okay, her light was green and his was red, but if she had been watching the road as she should have been, she may not have killed him. Even though the light is green, it is still up to the driver to show due care in determining that the junction is clear. How can she say that she did that when she was busy sending a text message? When will people get it into their heads that driving a car is not the same as sitting on your sofa? You should not be eating, drinking, watching tv, sending texts or otherwise distracting yourself. Yes, he put himself in danger by running a red light, but she owed it to other road users to operate with due care.
What if a child had ran onto the road and she killed it, would you be saying the same?
You talk about a share of the blame - well, he paid his share with his life - she will probably be out in less than 18 months.
Some accidents are unavoidable, even if she had been paying attention, she may have still hit him as it may have been unavoidable, and that would have been a tragic accident. However, we will never know, because she saw fit to be using her mobile to send a text while in charge of a lethal weapon.