We were both thinking the same thing at the same time, brionon.
Hubby says her mam was in one paper today saying she would sue the police if they don't give her back. It's a strange case.
The media has not forgotten her but this is a child and there are laws in place to protect her right to privacy.
In many court cases, for example, the child victim is referred to as Child X, or the child perpetrator 'cannot be named for legal reasons'.
We do not have the right to know what may have gone on in her private life. At the trial many of the facts may be supressed to protect her. There is simply nothing to report.
for want of a better term "ugly" people dont make good news, same as televison.
the girls is safe, so really thats the end of it, if it was some well to do "good looking " family ie; the mcanns then they would have carried it along and milked for as much as they could.
Now the "public" have seen the type of family she came from, their way of life , etc they arent really interested