I sold Paul Whitehouse and his wife and kids ice creams, I also sang "The wonder of you" on stage with Bobby Davro, I sat next to John Virgo at Wembley a few years ago (England Vs Portugal - he didn't have a waist coat on), Mick Hucknall send me a signed photo and said I was a nice girl. Nope I don't know anyone properly famous.
Ooooh! The man who is representing us at triple jump in the Olympics is from the same estate as me, he was in school with my man, his name's Nathan Douglas look out for him!
I have met and chatted at length to Mark radcliffe (of radio 2 and formerly of Mark & Lard on radio 1) through my work and when on radio 1 he would regularly read out my requests etc. Dunno if that counts.
My uncle was Cliff Adams (Sing Something Simple) and originally in a very famous 50's group called 'The Stargazers'. However, that is going back to my prehistoric past and nobody except us golden oldies would even have heard of him.
One day everybody thought that I was the queen, cos we dint know she was acomin' n we went for a whirl in our ol' jag an' all along the esplanade people was lined up excitedly, so I just waved a lot. I think that they all went home happy, 'cept her, a course.
My little brother is Stuart from Big Brother's housemate at uni, but I guess you can't really call him famous. No, you can't.
I'm mates with Graham Souness Jason Orange (strange combination, I know, but they both live locally).
I know a couple of West Brom players! And if anyone remembers Dean from Big Bro 3 then he's married to my cousins husbands sister. Not that he's famous.
i am buddies with Steven Thompson the Rangers player. I mean proper friends, like phone every other night, meet for drinks, free match tickets, type buddies.
I'm friends with Andy Hicks - pro snooker player, he's opening our Town Fair on Saturday - I'm sure he's looking forward to judging the cake making and bonny baby comps!
Saw Jose Carreras in Barcelona ....he was driving a green jaguar trying to turn left into the road i was walking across...i recognized him and nodded and he nodded back......Respect!