that there will be no pension or state assistance, and that your only means of support will be your children - how many would you have?
Oh, whilst you decide, do bear in mind that there's a 1-in-5 chance that your child won't make it out of infancy.*
(That's a 20% chance of dying before your fifth birthday, compared with a rate of about 0.6% here in the UK.)
So do you really wonder why they "just don't want to know" about birth control?
Are you really so naive in your thinking that these people are educated enough to consider these matters when they decide to produce multi numbers of off-springs.
Oh dear I have only six, seven or eight children, I better get on producing some more, who is going to look after me in my old age?
And would it be at all feasible to produce multi off-springs to support you in your old age, when it is a present major problem supporting them until this time?
Get real, their sex urges are much different from peoples who are of a certain intelligence. Take some prime examples in this country. No just as in the animal kindom, when they feel like sex then they just go along and have it, regardless of the outcome.