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Builders - having seen your posts, you know an awful lot of good stuff about your field, but you are wrong here.
For one thing, this "competition" is actually an EC led thing, supposedly to break the barriers within the community. Some countries have seen to their cost what privatising and opening up the mail does, and some countries - scheduled to go the same way as us - are having second thoughts about the viability.
That article said that the biggest failure concerns other firms delivering, and it will never happen - they haven't got the infrastructure to deal with that. It says in that about one firm wanting to do central urban deliveries 2 days a week. Yeah, well what about outer urban, rural, and even isolated - and 2 days a week!!. How is that better for joe public?
Less than ten years ago, Royal Mail made huge profits, it was a better service, 2 deliveries a day, we got paid OK because we were able to bump our money up with extra work, the company made money to sunsidise loss makers (counters) and the Government got a huge cut which added to the economy. Not now though.
And I have to disagree that some of the changes made in other industries are beneficial - I had a friend move and have no gas for a while simply because the supplier was in question - the one he had been with and wanted could do nothing as another supplier was contracted to supply that property. It's the same gas whoever is in charge - In the old days, you just got in touch with the local gas or electric board and that was that.
No, the rot in Royal Mail defragmentation needs to be stopped now, otherwise the next step is the end of daily deliveries, which will ultimately lead to the end of all deliveries.