I want one,where do I get one? I have emphysema and it is one of my biggest fears to be ventilated against my wishes if I become sicker suddenly.
My consultant and family know my wishes but if I were to collapse and my medical records were unavailable then I could very well find I had been put on a ventilator in an emergency situation.
Yes I would but it is still a scary thing to think about isnt it. Would the medical profession really have to obey your wishes?
I have always carried a donor card too.
I carry a donor card too weeal,I am also registered on the organ donor register just in case I happen to be in a situation where I haven't got my donor card on me
Well from what I can gather some where up north has been handing them out in clubs and libareries and so on.
Some pro lifers have been going round taking them all so no one else can get them but I think as pointed out by Naky, my life, my choice.