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Shocking cost of rail travel

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Gromit | 14:53 Fri 27th Jun 2008 | News
12 Answers
It was in the papers today that a man from Gloucestershire recently travelled to Cumbria and the rail fare was an astonishing �19,000.

All he did was visit the Black Swan pub and then went home.

Where do people like this get their money from?


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He hired his own train did he?

Pull the other one

Was this report alongside the one about a bus being found on the moon?

The 'turn up and go' return rare from Gloucester to Carlisle is �169 without limits on the time of travel or �104.10 for off-peak travel. By pre-booking you can sometimes get the fare down to less than �60.

He'd obviously included the cost of his pint of "Crudgington's Old and Filthy" and his cheese and pickle sandwich.
did he go via Ireland?
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In march, the Prince of Wales took the Royal train to Penrith at a cost to us tax payers of �19,000.

As Buenchico has pointed out, this fare is less than �60 normally. e/food_and_drink/article3649052.ece

(I hope this doesn't get labelled another of Gromit's anti-British posts)
tell you what gromit I'll take him on the back of the R1 next time. Maybe that'll stop you whinning!
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Sorry, it would have to be a British motorbike for HRH, not some Japanese thing.
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I think you will find that HRH's fleet of vehicles is comprised of British built Jaguars and Land Rovers (converted to run on bio-fuel.
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Shocking cost of rail travel

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