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naomi24 | 20:33 Fri 27th Jun 2008 | News
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Should the west do more to help the people of Zimbabwe - and if so, what would you like to see happen?


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Yes, the west should do more. I'd like to see a complete trade ban for starters. It's not enough to p1ss about cancelling cricket matches and issuing strongly worded messages of concern when people are being beaten and starved in front of our eyes.
I'd rather hoped that the hoards of people spilling across the border in S Africa would goad the silent politicians there into words, or even action. No-one else (apart from S Africa or Mozambique) can do this. Doesn't seem to be happening. Just allowing them to be beaten up in a foreign land instead.
Or the other solution which many would not like here is that the West should stop interfering into other countries positively and negatively. And should consider that world does not have to accept everything they do and the way they do.

After all not all the animals eat carrots.
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So you don't care what happens to those people Keyplus?
From your answer, it sounds like you'd just like to turn away and not even attempt to help those people, is that what your implying?.

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Keyplus, if you want to west to stop interfering with other countries, 'positively or negatively,' does that mean you'd like us to withdraw all financial aid, along with all business interests too?
Easy answer ...bump off Mr Mugabe ...
he is a despot and has been for years ...
Yes and stop selling them weapons and stop trying to bring the people of your choice in power as wel.
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Ah, I see. Withdraw all financial aid to Third World countries, and withdraw all business interests from Third World countries, without a second thought for the effect that would have on the ordinary people. And that comes from someone who consistently shows nothing but contempt for this country; who totally despises the western way of life, and yet is very happy to live in the comfort and safety of the west, and to take full advantage of what the west has to offer. Despite your hatred of the west, you don't seem to be too eager to go scurrying back to Pakistan, and I know why. Pull up the ladder, Jack, I'm alright! Double standards or what?!!!

It's absolutely sickening to think that we put up with people like you, who will stab us in the back at every opportunity, and yet we slam to door in the faces of the loyal Ghurkas. We must be mad!
Whoa there.
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Why? If the truth hurts, then so be it.

This is a matter for diplomacy not force. I know it's not as satisffying as riding in with all guns blazing but it often gets more results.

Here's a test. If you could get rid of Mugabe by offering him immunity from prosecution would you do it?

Because it isn't likely to happen without that
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It a sad state of affairs but it will happen that way and he will take everything he can and live out what time he has left in another country, in the sun and in the lap of luxury.
Bullies always win. One way or another.
I'm sure you do Tetjam

You probably want to pull all the troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq too because there have been 100 or so killed.

Sadly people don't seem to learn even from recent history
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Only for Naomi � Others do not have to waste time on these things. Because she thinks that she is feeding me in this country and she does not know that I am paying enough tax that a quarter of that would be enough to feed her. And I am so law abiding that in last 17 years I have not even had one parking ticket let alone other things. But I do know that I do not need a character certificate from people like Naomi who most of us know here Very well. And if I do not agree with few foreign policies of the West (where a majority of others think same way) then I am (only she knows I am Asian and from Pakistan and more unacceptable a Muslim) then I am stabbing someone in the back.

However I am pretty sure her knowledge depends on media whereas my views are based upon what I have and am seeing with my own eyes. I am quite sure about the American (and allies) policies about Pakistan so on that assumption I am sure there are so many other countries where western interests are overwriting what local people think and care about.
There you go Naomi few examples of your so called financial help and where it is being directed to. Since American and their allies invaded Afghanistan and bought and backed Pakistani leaders (of their choice) Pakistan is becoming another Cambodia. Since then Pakistan is in reverse gear, No Electricity, no Gas, No flour, no rest for the normal man because govt do not have enough time for that. Still Western media are saying Pakistan is making good progress. You know why, only because Pakistani army with the help of all this money are killing their own people. Only because that is the only way Americans and allies are happy. But one word is there and would stay there and that is Do more, do more. kistan.usa /2008-03-27-voa55.cfm?CFID=7266898&CFTOKEN=161 32253 /05diplo.php 0pakistan.html* ******=88552299
Are you old enough to remember Idi Amin Tetjam?

That was eventually resolved by a combination of loss of internal support and external military action by another African country.

No need for us to play "world police".

I know diplomacy doesn't give the same self-righteous buzz as wielding military force but it's more effective and less depressing than standing around saluting coffins draped in the Union flag

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I know very well I'm not feeding you Keyplus. I know you work, and I know you pay your taxes, but you clearly can't provide a reason for displaying such appallingly double standards, and can only worm around the issue by attempting to play the race card as you've tried to do so often before. You're right, people here do know me and, in the main, they're far too intelligent to be swayed by your nonsense, so it simply won't wash.

As I said, for you it's a case of I'm alright Jack - and to hell with what happens to the rest of the world!

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