Keyplus, why is it that anything you find difficult to believe you blame on propaganda of one sort or another? According to you, Ken Bigley and his companions weren't beheaded by Muslims, Muslims weren't responsible for 9/11, Bin Laden is an American agent - but on the other hand he's a hero - as was Saddam Hussein - and the holocaust wasn't really a holocaust at all. Open your eyes, Keyplus. Take yourself to the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, and take a look, and when you've studied the lists of names the Germans compiled, and watched the films of people being herded into cattle trucks, starved, tortured , murdered, and bulldozed by the thousand into communal graves, then tell us the Holocaust didn't happen precisely as history has recorded. You seem to forget that records of the holocaust aren't just hearsay - it didn't happen hundreds of years ago - it happened within living memory, and there are still many people in the world, Jews and non-Jews, who bear witness to it.