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Strewth !!!!!!

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BertiWooster | 18:27 Thu 10th Jul 2008 | News
22 Answers
In the metro paper today .

When Teresa Clarke took her first driving lesson in 1981 , US president Ronald Reegan was recovering from an assasination attempt and Prince Charles was preparing to marry Diana Spencer .

Now 27 years and three American leaders later she has finally passed her test .

The driving instructor that she passed with admitted she had been a '' difficult'' student

It took her , 450 Hours of lessons , 50 Mock tests , 12 Failed tests , 20 Instructors and � 15000 in fees

She says her lack of concentration has '' improved '' .

She is still waiting for her first solo drive and has one final obstacle to overcome - persuading her husband to buy her a car

Shall we all raise our glasses and welcome her to the roads , or will you be glancing nervoulsly from now on , in your rear view mirror ?



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Where does she live ??
Look behind you!!
..... and in front of you - and to both sides!
Question Author
She resides in Wroxham , Norfolk
no wonder her hubby wont get her a car, the roads round wroxham are awful!

shes better off retiring from driving now lol
she could of got buses taxies and trainsfor the rest of her life for far less than the cost of lessons lol
How long did it take Maureen form Driving School to pass??
well, she is a woman!
Oi! Wotchit! ;o)
Well you know why women can't park?
Go on, I'll fall for it.
Thought my sister was bad and it took her 5 attempts.
Why were the Hebrews lost in the desert for 40 years?
Because none of the men would ask for directions.
It's men who can't park because they over estimate 6 inches!
Now THAT's funny! Haaaaaaaaaaaa! :o)
Oops, cross posted there. I was laughing at the Hebrews - but the next one's pretty good too - and accurate!!
Wrong - it's women that can't park because men keep telling them it's 6 inches.
I say old sport I don't think Bertie Wooster (even without the'e') would say something as uncouth as "strewth" you should rphrase your question to "good Lord" or "oh my goodness".
Tinkerty tonk and give my regards to Stiffy.
That may well be M but women know well how men tend to exagerate.
Exactly, that's why it's men that can't park - women make allowances!!!

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Strewth !!!!!!

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