Gromit - your arguments simply do not stand up to any kind of analysis.
The simple fact is, a legal change meant that this lady was being asked to perform tasks as part of her job which conflict with her beliefs. You cannot possibly compare that with a firefighter putting out - or not - a fire in premises belonging to a same-sex couple, the argument is simply not there.
I personally believe that people's personal freedoms are vitally important, and applaud the notion of civil partnerships, not because it is a parody of marriage, as so many detractors seem to view it, but because it allows committed couples the same legal rights in terms of disposal of estate after death that is accorded to heterosexual couples - and that was the driving force behind the legislation in the first place.
But freedom should be for everybody, and wheras I am not a Christian, and have no issue with same sex ceremonies, I must support this lady's right to object, and to fight the discrimination she encountered.
From the news reports, it appears that the Council allowed exactly the sort of bullyng and harassment that it claims to abhor in the case of discrimination against homosexuals, theyr level of double standards is positively breathtaking.
No-one should be bullied or threatened because of lifestyle choices - and that rule is there for everyone, and this is a victory for that perspective.