I didn�t say the people who attacked the police won�t be punished. You�re putting words into my mouth.
You said: The only thing they might understand by that time is that anti-social behaviour carries penalties. If they knew they were going to be embarrassed in front of their mates, and marched off and banged up in a police cell for a few days, or sent to a boot camp, they might think twice being doing what they do. As it is, they do as they please because they know there are no comebacks. my emphasis.
You certainly imply that these kids will not be punished.
I can't see the point of that question, but no, I don�t think they think about the consqences of their actions
But you think that if there are more serious consequences, they will suddenly start thinking about their actions.....
This is my point. Stiffer jail terms seems to have little effect because these yobs don't think that they will get caught.
If you don't think you will get caught, then it doesn't matter what the consequences are.
If you know without doubt you're going to be in trouble for doing it, you don't do it. That's human nature.
So there are no murders in America?
Does this apply to anti-social kids or to adult criminals? - two of the people arrested regarding this case are in their 30s
saying that you'd rather educate these kids, so tell me how you propose we do that to cure the problem urgently.
There is no quick fix. I don't have a magic wand.
It requires time, money and effort, not just from government, but from individuals like you and me.
Sadly we have become a very introverted society - the Africans have a saying "its takes a whole village to raise a child" - sadly, if people just keep seeing kids as trouble, then things will only get worse.