I can't really be bothered to argue with you any more New Judge ,but as I have said before if the government want to get people back into work then the jobs must be there for them to do and not just menial jobs . I notice you haven't made any comment about the way jobs are allowed to be shipped abroad and the downturn in industry which has forced people onto benefits .
All you seem concerned about is that some people are getting something for nothing . I live in area of high unemployment .A lot of the work that is availiable here is seasonal.During the winter months you are lucky to see half a dozen jobs advertised in the local paper .We are having a new harbour built at the moment .Where were the jobs for the local men when the work started ? There weren't any .Contracted out to big companies who bring in their own work force .
It's all very well for them to make sweeping statements and lump all benefit claiments under the same umbrella when the work is not out there .The way things are going pretty soon everyone will be sweeping the streets and cleaning toilets whilst "I'm alright Jack "works his zillionhours overtime.Hardly a fair division of labour .
Keep cracking the whip :)) Bye .