Yes, old films did glamourise smoking - but we are educated now, and we know the dangers. Hence the success of the recent anti-smoking campaign - and doubtless people will pass that knowledge on to their children. Basically, this initiative is complete and utter poppycock. You talk about freedom of speech, but that only seems to work one way. If only basic common sense was considered as relevant as the outlandish initiatives suggested by those intent on control, this country might not be ruled by petty bureaucrats intent on imposing their wonky, misguided, will on others - and others who are perfectly capable of making their own decisions. Disney a danger? Come on - be serious!! I'll tell you, Ruby, I'm a parent, and Disney and the old movies didn't encourage mine to smoke, any more than they encouraged them to do a James Cagney and opt for the gangster lifestyle, or to flit around Fred Astaire style. Do get a grip on reality, for heavens sake.