Like you, I am intrigued by the heavyweight vigilantism that crops uop every time this type of query is raised.
I believe that the only way to deal with issues like this is to apply logical and well-thought responses - there is no room for the knee-jerk "Hang him, I'll pull the leaver ..." (and trust me you wouldn't!) brigade, that is simply not helping.
The response has to be for Glitter to be closely monitored where ever he is - and that applies to all convicted paedophiles anywhere in the world.
Sadly, other cultures to do not feel the abhorence that Western society feels as a matter of course for this dreadful crime - so all we can hope for is to police our own country effectively - which is probably the reason why GG does not wish to return here.
Like all paedophiles, he is in denial - I just hope that where ever he is able to live, that the appropriate authorities will watch his activities.
Thinking too long about thi dreadful scenario simply hurts your head - all we can do is to remember that laws are what make us civilised - we must live by, and enforce them properly, and leave the 'revenge mobs' out of it.