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anotheoldgit | 17:53 Fri 28th Nov 2008 | News
15 Answers rown-calls-for-international-action-on-terrori sm-1039374.html

And he said ministers were determined to do what they could to help the Indian authorities dealing with the attacks. Gordon Brown.

"It is clear that we have got to help the Indian government deal with this terrorist incident and we have sent people from the Metropolitan Police to help," he told Sky News. Gordon Brown.

Did India (or anyone else for that matter) help us out during the IRA era or during the London Bombings?

Why doesn't he first attend to Britain's problems?


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Britain doesn't have any Islam-related problems, what an absurd notion. The more mosques the better.

But, I too wonder, why can not a country like India deal with a problem like this, as the SAS did with the Iranian embassy siege.
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A crime has been committed against British subjects. Any help we can give to catch those responsible and see them punished for their crimes is fine by me.

Britain has a good reputation for its detective work particularly forensics and it is our expertise they need. This was developed over many years of dealing with terrorism on our shores. We have labs and knowledge which is the Indian Authorities cannot match.

If it helps catch the bast*rds that did this, I am pleased that we can help.
Why do some people appear to think that we in britain are insulated from this kind of attrocity , despite recent events here .

Oh , I forgot , Britain is an island , and those pesky terriosts aren't that keen to swim across to get to us .

Didn't these low life target British and American citizens - why shouldn't we assist the indian authorities to bring as many of them to justice , as possible ?
Do you think there is a domino effect taking place? From Afghanistan to Pakistan and now on to India. What do they all have in common. A disgruntled Muslim community who's only answer is the gun instead of the ballot box.
The terrorist group was fairly vocal in letting the world know that the purpose of the attack was mounted against British and American subjects.

They are obviously keen to try and get non-muslim countries on board with the anti-west sentiment; 'we're sorry we killed a few of your people but we were targetting those evil westerners - they're bad news you know, look what they made us do'
Truly sick, any truly devout muslim knows that to take a human life is the ultimate evil act and condemns the soul to eternal hell, why do we allow these evil people devoid of any true faith other than an unbelievably bitter and twisted mind try their best to undermine one of the worlds greatest and most peaceful faiths, the muslim faith is up and equal to the greatest faiths on earth, I am catholic, and honour my muslim and all other brothers and sisters in all true faiths equally, may your god bless you all, Prudentia xxx
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one of the worlds greatest and most peaceful faiths, the muslim faith is up and equal to the greatest faiths on earth,

I'm sure Gordon of Khartoum had the same sentiments as you LadyyEyre, but then look what happened to him? He was slaughted by a murderous mob of Muslims.
Maybe the local Muslim in Khartoum were hacked off that a Christian Evangelist had been put in charge of them.
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We are hacked off because a Scot. has been put in charge of us.

So are you suggesting we go down the same road Gromit?
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Gromit Gordon was not put in charge of them.

in January, 1884, appointed General Gordon to superintend the evacuation of the Soudan.

GENERAL GORDON arrived at Khartoum on February 18th, and spent his time between that date and the investment on March 12, in sending down women and children, two thousand of whom were sent safely through to Egypt, in addition to six hundred soldiers. oum1.html
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Steve.5 Why be so nasty by calling him an idiiot.

You would have been better to say that he perhaps made the wrong decision to stay too long in Khartoum.

On the other hand he could have escaped earlier thus saving his own life, but then costing the lives of many.

You would then have been in the right to have labelled him a coward.

He did not disobey orders he did what he was ordered to do, and that was to evacuate Khartoum. Many men, women and Children had him to thank for saving their lives.

Gordon was a national hero.
I remember seeing my little cousin throw a wobbly at a birthday party because his friend had a packet of hula hopps and he didn't.

It wasn't that he wanted any hula hoops as such. It's just that he was unable to deal with the fact that someone was getting something that he wasn't. Just like someone people on AB do when it comes to international aid or tax credits or minority support groups.

That was when my cousin was 5 by the way. He'd grown out of it by the time he was 6.

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