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That is of course indefensible, but it is not 'British Police'.

They have not done that on the authority of their seniors, or behaved in accordance with their training. They are three officers who have behaved very badly and hopefully will be disciplined in a tough a way as is possible.

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Sorry Ethel but it is quite clearly British Police, what else could they be.
Not condoning what they did, but I am sure the police must get sick to death of morons who go out at night, get totally drunk, then cause trouble, start fights, taunt the police, and are generally a pain in the neck.

By his own admission the guy says he was "totally leathered".

If he had just been slighly merry and had gone home quietly this would not have happened.

The police dont normaly come down hard on someone unless they are strongly provoked.

I have seen some of those programs on TV like "road wars" or "binge britain" and I have to say they way the public behave towards the police is disgraceful.

It is not surprising the police lose their rag every now and again, they are only human, trying to do their job, and they are confronted by people who just seem to want to look for a fight.
I see no reason to condemn the police force as a whole just because of the action of 3 people in it?
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Can I say one more thing.

You put the headline "Are'nt british police wonderful" in a rather ironic way.

Maybe we should also ask "Are'nt the british public wonderful".

We regularly have loads of drunk people coming out of pubs and clubs every night, being sick in the street, going to the toilet in shop doorways, fighting, smashing shop windows, driving their car while drunk or drugged.

How would you like to deal with people like that night after night.

As I said, dont condone what the police did, but the behavoiur of some of the public is pretty sickening as well.
it is not the first time this kind of thing has been caught on ctv in manchester , the last time the police got let off
Whilst I agree that the policeman was wrong to beat him , I don't think that's the mentality of all police officers . I know several and they're upstanding , fair , and honest , and an asset to the Force , and are aware of how to deal with an abusive captive without causing injury or abusing their human rights .

I meant that for you to criticise 'British Police' for that those three officers would have had to have been acting with the authority of the police force, in accordance with their training -following orders.

That is not how British Police are trained to behave, and they were not acting correctly.

Those three police officers are not wonderful. The British Police as a whole is.
how many get away with it when not on ctv, lets not forget this man was found guilty in court.then he was let off in another court

the last one that was shown on tv when they decided to take action against the police was a farce.they said the film was not clear enough and let the police off
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No i am thinking about the man just of piccadilly manchester . they smashed his head into the police van amongst other things
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sorry the video of them kicking this man then smashing his head on the police van was removed long ago to help race relations

There was further pressure on Mr Todd in February 2004 when CCTV footage emerged which showed white GMP officers apparently kicking a black man on the ground in central Manchester - although the Independent Police Complaints Commission later decided there was insufficient evidence to bring criminal charges against three officers involved.

they said the film was not clear . everyone who saw the video on tv saw it clearly

ps the middle section of my last post was taken from the manchester evening news site. it is still up on the web if you wish to check
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there is an ex liverpool police sergeant who may disagree with you about the manchester police.

but that is another one off incident
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Have you watched the video Birdie. ???

If that is reasonable force god help us.
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