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Atheists on the offensive?

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Whickerman | 00:05 Wed 07th Jan 2009 | News
84 Answers
Atheists are starting an advertising campaign to alert the public to the fact that there may not be a god.

My question is this. I am not a god botherer, in fact I'm pretty much as far from that as you can get, but when did atheism becom proselytizing? Why spend �140,000 promoting your beliefs if your beliefs are that everyone else is wrong? Surely by definition that's fundamentalism, and therefore defeats the point of atheism? Or am I completely at 6s and 7s here?


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Personally, I think it's disgusting that atheists are using 'words' and 'ideas' to challenge irrational beliefs of those who think it's reasonable to tell people they will be tortured for eternity on the basis of no proof whatsoever.

Some of these uppity people even brandish their 'words' and 'ideas' on a debate site called 'The answerbank'.

I know! I was disgusted too.

What gives them the right to challenge people who repeatedly lie about evolution because of their religious beliefs? Don't these willy-waving idiots even know religion is above criticism?
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some really divergent views there, and some interesting viewpoints.

For what it's worth, people who are preoccupied and actively involved in promoting a religious OR a non-religious way of life, rather than just living their own lives the way they want to are simply bores. Life's simply too short.
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erm - I should obviously have started paragraph 2 there with 'in my opinion'...
Keyplus - Who designed the designer? Is a rogue argument."

Possibly. But it's no more a rogue argument than saying that God exists and has always existed - that explanation is a complete cop-out.

�I know he exists� � No you don�t. You believe He exists. But belief is not knowledge. Just because you want something to be true does not make it true.

�... my abilities are limited to prove or disprove his existence.� � That makes two of us. You can never prove nor disprove that God exists. In the same way that it is impossible to disprove or prove my own personal theory � each and every one of us are surrounded by fire-breathing green dragons which are invisible of course and undetectable by any invention known to man. However, I know they exist.
mmm - ok
Well, that told you, birdie! ;o)
Keyplus � Your reply is, I assume, a rather confused response to my theory about dragons � which was, of course, an example of an unprovable (and un-disprovable) belief.

What I fail to understand is why you find my theory strange, yet you have no difficulty in believing in God.

No one has ever seen God. If God wanted to prove that he existed, why has he never appeared to a multitude of people (or everyone in the world at once � which must surely be within His capability) and spoken His message? The only �evidence� for God�s existence is second hand accounts, which, by definition, are open to question.

Also, what do you feel about the argument from location? This basically states that you are Muslim because that is how you have been brought up. If you weren�t born into a Muslim family and had not had your �beliefs� reinforced by the society you live in, would you still believe in the Islamic God? If you had been born in the �bible belt� in America, do you accept that you would not be a Muslim and would most likely be a Christian (and therefore would be going straight to hell because Christianity is not the �correct� religion)?

And what of those people who were born somewhere where Allah�s or Christ�s message didn�t reach? For example, some remote African tribe. Do those people go to hell because they didn�t get the message?

Not all religions can be �right�. There are so many of them that it stands to reason that most of them have �got it wrong�.

What makes you think that the Islamic religion is the �right� one?
naomi24 - Quite. I know when I'm beaten ;-)
rov1200 � � are bringing time into the equation...� How so?

I said, �If what you say is true, who designed the designer?�. How does that bring time into the equation?

�Humans... [were] designed by something superior.�

I agree. It�s called Natural Selection.

Put down your bible and read some scientific literature. �On the Origin of Species� is a good starting point.

Also, for some clarification on many, many points, see here...
My little birdie � My reply would always be as you would not like because according to me, you have the same problem that you accuse other people of. Why did not god appear in front of people himself? Good question. Christians believe that he did. He appeared as Jesus. So do Hidu, he appeared as monkey, tiger, elephant and anything what you may think of.

Had I been born in a bible belt in America, I would have been Christian. Even this is a good question. But why do you not ask this question to the people who were in fact born as you mentioned but got fed up with the concept of god in Christianity. Is father a god? or son is? Or are they same? Father is the son and son is the father? God had been crucified. No wonder they are either becoming Muslims (if learnt about real Islam without misconception) or decided to become atheist because they have had enough. So I might have been among them somewhere, had I been there.

What about the people who did not get the message? another good question.
According to Quran (you do not have to believe), Allah sent messengers to every single nation (even bible says that Jesus was sent only for the tribe of Israel at that time) from Adam (pbuh) to Jesus (pbuh) with exactly the same message that total submission to only one god. Later on people like saint Paul added trinity bit and we all know that. Then Allah sent Muhammad (pbuh) as final messenger for all of the Universe and not only for Arabs till day of judgement (again according to Quran so you do not have to worry about if you wish so).


What makes me think that Islamic religion is the right one? the most important question. Because Islam makes sense. Concept of God in Islam is only in four sentences and makes perfect sense. Even Scientific proven facts agree with Islam. And all the major religion�s scriptures, if you take added bits out, talk about Islam. Or you give me one proven scientific fact and not the theories that does not agree with Quran. Before you say, let me tell you Quran is not even against evolution up to a certain point. And I will give you examples for that if you wish so.
Would you like me to dig out one of our little disagreements from R&S where I present multiple examples of where the Quran is quite blatantly scientifically incorrect (and you then post links to comments from people which don't actually rebutt the points raised)?

Oh sorry I missed this post for so long. Yes please, do that so people should know what I said too, half of that you have already mentioned and please do not forget to include all those links I gave about all of the experts of their field confirming what Quran says.

Or perhaps you do not like links how informative might be but rather will have my words and mock me. I always said if you want to know about disease then do not go to IT expert and go to a doctor. However if your boiler breaks down then forget about the doctor and call a corgi engineer. Is it logical or not.
You may like reading this as well. Just click and down load 3rd link �Quran and Modern Science � Compatible ro Incompatible�. Come on don�t be shy its only a bit of more knowledge for you.
Similarly, dear boy, if I want to know about science, i'll ask a scientist not a holy man.

I'm entirely happy to post a link to the complete thing, including all of your responses and 'experts'.

They've *very* interesting reading.
Religion is a crutch for the weak!
Sorry Keyplus but to put it mildly that's a pile of pooh!

'We have made the mountain standing firm'. There is a book by the title 'The Earth' which is a very famous book - an authority in this field, which is referred by most of the universities throughout the world, in this subject. One of It is authors, name is Frank Press, and he gives the illustration of the mountain in this book called 'Earth', as wedge shaped, and he says� �the function of the mountain is to stabilize the Earth's Crust�.

Talk about selecting and twisting the evidence!

Does he not know that mountains are continually created and being eroded?

Of course he does but it doesn't fit his argument so he scouts around to find some dodgy stuff out of context about mountains somehow stabalising the Earth's crust.

It's simple minded nonsense
re:Religion is a crutch for the weak!

and mentally sick!
Jake � can we say the same thing about you, as it does not agree with what you believe in so you are saying it is a pile of rubbish. Or please let me know the title of any book you have written on the geology.

Waldo � All those scientists and doctors in the link I gave you last time were the heads of their related departments in the famous universities and institutions. And they were not Holy Men. Here is the link again as you wished for it. tists_on_the_quran1.htm

Have a nice weekend every one and see you later.
Keyplus, you should know by now that when you talk about science within Islam with Waldo and Jake, you're treading on very unsafe ground. You never learn.

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