Both sides here are as bad as each other. The fundamental problem, as in most wars, is their religion with both side believing they are the chosen ones.
It is easy to sit here in comfortable safe surroundings and criticise but in the harsh reality of war soldiers will do all sorts of things they themselves may consider unacceptable. This applies equally to both sides. When you are up against it and someone is trying to kill you do you really think "I shouldn't do that because the 'law' says not". Of course you are not, you will do whatever to ensure you are alive and stay that way.
Unfortunatley in street fighting civilian casualties will be high and this is what we are seeing now. But that seems to be the way of the world now, particularly with fighters that have to use Gorilla tactics becasue they are outnumbered.
The victims here are the civilians trapped in between, but this is a conflict of many centuries and it will happen again and again.
Damn religion, thats what I say.