I think this historical map might be enough (I doubt it) for my friend
Little Birdie to work out who wiped whom.
http://www.hamdden.co.uk/Images/Palestinian_la nd_loss_Map.jpg
As far as the history is concerned, birdie you can not fool people. Muslims have always defended Jews and given them shelter. Even Israel is part of that history. I don�t think I have to elaborate on this.
I was recently reading something and title was,
Is USA a bigger Israel or Israel a smaller USA. It was all about how Europeans when moved to America cleaned out the local population. Same way few thousands of Jews cleaned out Palestinians with the help of Americans who already had experience and expertise to carry out these sorts of things. Now any one can try comparing two equations and would get the answer to
birdie�s question.
How many Red Indians were there at that time and how many are now. As compared to the Americans we now know? Simple ratio will do.
How many Palestinians were there in 1946 compared to Jews and what is the ratio now?
I have no doubt my little birdie will totally ignore this and will post another looooooooong post.