It's not good, but I'd rather my taxes put food in a child's mouth than have it go on MP's expenses and fund lavish meals when they go off on their jaunts.
However, to the question in hand, I know of an amazing example of playing the system. A woman in her late 40's had PND, which's lasted for 9 years so far. This prevented her from working, yet doesn't stop her from selling at car boots sales whenever she can (average of �100 clear per time). She receives some type of incapacity benefit, yet also claims a carer's allowance for her elderly mother who lived with her - plus money for herself which never goes into any carer's hands. She receives full Council Tax allowance as well. Her young daughter's the brightest little thing you could imagine, but has now "developed" AS, which may, or not be true, but allows the mother to claim extra money for her, plus child benefit. The grandmother recently moved into a Council-owned bungalow, but the daughter still picks up the carer's allowance for her. She lives in her own 5-bed house, and recently bought herself a sports car. When asked how she could afford it, the woman replied: "It's hard. I only get �1400 a month".........
Bearing in mind she just has the one child, how on earth does she manage it?