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Muslims highjack soldier's homecoming.

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anotheoldgit | 17:08 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | News
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Don't you just love that bearded brown guy, holding up the placard, demanding death to soldiers? What the F has happened in this country that we have people like this threatening our society, and they are allowed to get away with it! In Baghdad they'd be shot, and about time it happened here too. Luton? No, mini-Baghdad more like.
I'm also sure that if (God forbid) my boyfriend is killed whilst serving in Iraq and I went there and protested with a bit of cardboard protesting I would be killed in 5 seconds flat.
I'm rather a fan of free speech and democracy, even if this is rather crass.
Gormless - you sound like you'd be really happy in a harsh Middle Eastern state where the punishments that you crave are all the rage. Of course I guess if you were in charge you'd probably import most of them here. One day you'd wake up and have some sort of aneurism when you realised that you's actually created an extremeist state in your own back yard. But at least it would be a fearful, violent state without any pesky foreigners......
I love the way that the wets on this thread carp on about "free speech", "democracy", "peaceful protest" blah blah blah...........................

What happened in Luton was anything BUT democratic or peaceful protest!!

The "protesters" were actually screaming at the tops of their voices: "British soldiers go to hell!" and their placards read "Anglian soldiers go to HELL", "Muslims, rise against British oppression", "Anglian Soldiers: Cowards, Killers, Extremists", "Anglian Soldiers: Butchers of Basra".

The Police were clearly under orders NOT to make arrests, otherwise the whole mob of "protesters" would have been nicked for various Public Order offences.

Imagine what the situation would have been had a group of non-Muslims gone to a mosque and screamed insults!
Would the apologists on this thread been of the same opinions then? Would their unswerving belief in democracy and free speech stretch THAT far? I think we all know the answer to that one!!!

God Bless those brave men and women who have laid their lives on the line for OUR country that the least they should be allowed is to be able march proudly in THEIR OWN land without torrents of abuse being hurled at them by racist morons who can only thank their Allah for being allowed to live in a society which is so ultra tolerant of their hate-filled rants!!!!!!!!!!!!

Along with many other Brits I was and am against the invasion of Iraq and we protested against it. I've yet to see Muslims demonstrate against Any Muslim wrong doing.
I've yet to see Muslims demonstrate against Any Muslim wrong doing.

How many doctors have you seen demonstrating against Harold Shipman?

How many men have marched on Parliament demonstrating against Gary Glitter?

Did you see many animal rights protesters protesting when this chap was found guilty of fire bombing?

With regard protesting - was Walter Wolfgang wrong to protest as well? What about Brian Haw?

Did you see many animal rights protesters protesting when this chap was found guilty of fire bombing?

if anybody did go and protest they would be photographed
next time some animal supply centre goes up in flames they would have their front doors smashed in.

use your head , best to stay in the dark.

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I meant the animal rights protesters that stick to the law and just want to protest peacefully - like the thousands of Muslims who don't protest against Muslim behaviour as it is nothing to do with them
Oneeyedvic , i bet his mates like to start fires, so they will not want to show their faces

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Well said parafin. I for one am absolutely incensed at the way these muslims have been allowed to insult our brave Servicemen. Free speech and Democracy appears to be a one way street. The muslims can insult us, yet woe betide anyone who insults them (Denmark) being a point in question. It is time this government stopped kow-towing to these people and started to take into account the fact that there are many more of us than them.
God Bless our troops and may the government be as loyal to them as they are to the government which sent them to Iraq and Afghanistan in the first place
I totally agree CAJ1 with your last comment, the women were hiding behing the veil in this demo, I woouldn't be able to voice my opinion in the name of my God in a Muslim State, even members of the Muslim Council of Britain have condemmed this, I say round them up and send them to Iraq,or Iran if they are so sick of our British involvement, I am proud to British as a lot of Muslims who are born here no doubt are, can I ask any of our Muslim friends who might be on here, Does it say anything in the Koran about spewing hate to the country of residence?
The Koran
Chapter 28 verse 633

"thou shall not decry nor wish harm on the peoples who have given you refuge"
"Allah commands that praise be given"
Thanks for that SK News, but aren't these people going against that teaching?
Question Author 8/Now-Muslim-hate-preacher-mocks-British-troop s-dead-comrade-shame-homecoming-protest.html

This is a quote from the Mother of a soldier killed in Afghanistan.

�It�s very easy to tarnish all the Muslim community with the same brush, but I do wonder, if the roles were reversed, if such a protest would be allowed in a Muslim country.�

I can only add 'if the roles were reversed, would such a protest be allowed in THIS COUNTRY'

Perhaps the BNP should now take to the streets with a similar protest against the Muslims, we would then soon find out who our police protect.

Especially in the light of the fact that the police charged a man who allegedly shouted abuse at the Muslim anti-war protesters and that the Muslim protesters were later �escorted from the area to a safe place to disperse�.
-- answer removed --

What were the soldiers doing marching through a town centre with a brass band anyway? Basically a lap of honour while the public offer their thanks.

That's fair enough if you ask me. The majority of us want the opportunity to express our gratitude. But surely if we're taking over a town centre for this pomp and ceremony, we have to respect the rights of the minority to use the occasion for something else. You can't expect it all one way.

If it was a serviceman's funeral, that's something else. But you can't commandeer a town for a non-essential back slapping exercise and then demand that everyone respond in the same way. It's not 1984.
(The book.)

Why should we respect the rights of the minority (who preach hate and destruction on the hands that feed them). When they start respecting our rights, then, and only then should we respect theirs. what they did yesterday was disgraceful and an affront to all free thinking British
One report I read said a disgruntled local man went onto a shop roof and threw bacon at the traitors, sorry, protesters.

Good on him!
Question Author
What a waste of good bacon.

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