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Racists Of Luton Will Celebrate: Another Dead Squaddie

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paraffin | 12:33 Sat 14th Mar 2009 | News
7 Answers
Soldier from Royal Welsh Regiment blown up in Afghanistan.

That should please the moronic racists jeering our troops this week in Luton !!!!!!!!


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parafin , why could you not just say how sad you were to hear the news rather than use such an inflammatory rabble rousing comment . Your views are well known already , change the record .
I have to agree with paraffin billy, they, in their sadistic way, will be pleased we have lost another of our brave soldiers, it is fact and should be debated and not kept under wraps as so to offend the extremists because most of the Muslim population of Britain would see them as nutters for their actions, do you honestly think they will give a thought to the parents and family of this young Welsh Guard, I think not
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My views and sentiments would have been exactly the same had we received similar news that, for example, one of our Muslim politicians had been murdered and the BNP had celebrated such news!
I echo your sentiments paraffin. They'll be bowing to Allah over this!!
well said paraffin , these small minded people really should be arrested but sadly we cant seem to do anything about them
Sadly parafin we may head that way , I just don't think comments such as yours are helpful to anyone
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I abhor extremist agitators with a vengeance. I really don't think my comments are unhelpful because I truly believe that those Luton morons WILL rejoice at such news.

No different to the other scumbags who welcomed the murder of Steven Lawrence in 1993 simply because of his colour !

But we all must be allowed to express our views, even if they are controversial, because NOT to do so plays straight into the hands of the very extremists I've mentioned, regardless of creed, colour or cause.

And to deny us that right is detrimental to every person in this country who holds freedom of speech as dearly as I do.

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