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Jade Goody RIP

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sara3 | 08:34 Sun 22nd Mar 2009 | News
61 Answers
sad news today. I've never pretended to be a huge fan but I hope people will show a little respect today, especially as it's Mother's Day and she has left two small children.

and of course, thinking of anyone who is in the same/similar situation x


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yeah, thanks for that!
-- answer removed --
Sorry sara,just trying to get Doc off your thread for you!{:(

came out a bit Wrong! iam away now anyway!
Going for a walk. Expect there will be at least 30 more posts on this cheesey thread by the time I get back
Sad to hear about Jade and this brings back sad memories for me of my Mum dying from cancer, exactly three years ago this month.

God bless you Jade.
We have all lost people we love and nothing can bring them back.

If you have post -my heart goes out to you- if you have lost and post nasty then I fear for your sanity.

My only suggestion is -if you havent anything constructive rather than detsrucive to say on a young womans death then dont post -it has a ripple effect for people who do have compassion and it demeans anyones loss.
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well said, Dris. we've all lost loved ones, which obviously has more impact than a "celebrity" dying, but we can still feel for the ones left behind in this situation.
Hi Sara.

It was sad news, even tho I wasn't a particular fan. My ex and I heard the news when we got back to the Villa. His daughter died from a Brain tumour in December and he had tears in his eyes when we were watching the news. I had to go into the kitchen because I found it too upsetting to look at him.
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NoMercy.. how sad. I can't think of anything worse than losing a child. he's going to have some dark days ahead. I trust he has lots of support x
Some sicko told me today that they had won a bet with some friends as to when Jade Goody would die and, as a result of being the "closest", had "earned" a meal.

I�ve been reading the various remarks on this thread with increasing incredulity. I was under the impression that this website is an open forum for people to discuss matters and express opinions.

It appears that I am mistaken.

I can barely believe that people are basically saying, �If you haven�t anything nice to say about Jade then do not post�. Are these people seriously suggesting that unless you feel nothing but heartfelt sympathy for her then keep your mouth shut?

You utter hypocrites.

Just in case you�re wondering, I think that it�s a tragedy that a young mother has died from cancer. But, and it�s a big but � the woman in question was an ill-educated, ill-mannered, ignorant racist bully who only ever did anything to line her own pockets.

She is/was the epitome of dumbed-down Britain. A woman who became �famous� through being quite astonishingly stupid and loud mouthed. A woman who displayed her true colours live on TV by bullying and making racist comments to another person. I will never forget her twisted, contorted face as she spat bile at Shilpa Shetty. I know Shilpa forgave her but so what? I watched it and it was demonstrably racist bullying.

Her final few days saw her (and Max Clifford of course) shamelessly milking the media for every penny she could. And for what? To raise awareness of cancer? To give millions to cancer charities?


To line her husband�s pockets.

Very noble. Not.
Also, I�m appalled at our Prime Minister calling her �brave and courageous�. How exactly has she been brave and courageous? Typical of our PM jumping on any passing bandwagon in a pathetic attempt to convince us that �he cares�. Yeah right.

Not too long ago a woman called Jane Tomlinson died of cancer. The difference between Jade and Jane could be starker. Jane raised millions for cancer charities. She did some quite remarkable things in the months leading up to her death (cycled across the USA, ran marathons, etc). I don�t remember her death being publicised as widely as Jade�s.

Approximately 180 British soldiers have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since the start of the war. Where are their front page stories?

Wendy Richards died of cancer only a couple of weeks ago. Did that make the front pages of the news papers? Did she make millions out of celebrity magazines for her family?

No she didn�t because she was not a shameless selfish media junky.

I know it�s not all Jade�s fault. Max Clifford is just as much to blame for ramming Goody down our collective throats. But the fact remains that Jade was a willing accomplice in the farce that was the �Jade Goody show�.

Appalling woman.
I hope she is at peace now and I feel for her boys and her family at this sad time.

She did more to raise the awareness of cervical cancer amongst the young and albeit she received money so what. That money is for her young sons and as we are not in that position and I for one thank God I am not we can criticise her.
Well said Birdie!
I couldn't agree with Birdie more
We have this strange recoiling reaction to someone who has the temerity to say �good riddance�. Why? Does someone�s death exonerate their behaviour whilst alive? Should every bad deed be silently swept under the carpet lest a criticism be heard?

I don�t think so.

There have been many unpleasant people in history. Some much more unpleasant than others. Whatever they have done, their unpleasant nature should not be forgotten nor forgiven just because they have died in tragic circumstances.

Jade�s media fuelled life has done far more harm to the nation than it has done good. While not being her fault entirely, she was complicit in perpetuating the myth that talent, education and good manners are unnecessary. Want to be rich and famous girls? Don�t bother with an education. Don�t bother putting yourself through university. Don�t bother learning good manners.

Just get your t*ts out on telly. And be mind-numbingly moronic. Become a national laughing stock. Hurl racist abuse at an Indian lady (call her Shilpa F*ckawalla' and 'Shilpa Poppadom' for good measure). Then publically blubber and wring your hands in abject fear that your perfume will stop selling and your world is about to come crashing down because everyone�s finally woken up to the fact that you�re a racist, ignorant, bully. Go to India to �prove� you�re not really racist after all (but, let�s face it, we all know you are really). Apologise to the world. Cross your fingers and hope that the media and the public have a short memory. Phew! They do. Continue as before. Get cancer. Hastily arrange to get married to a chap who punches people. Get a magazine to give you millions of pounds for the rights to publish the photos... I think we all know the rest.
feel better now?
The dirty bermondsey bnp supporter is dead,oh boo hoo,hopefully god lets her be reincarnated as an indian woman in a racist area so that she can see what it was like. Hitler died too,but you wont see me mourning for him.....
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Jade Goody compared to Hitler?

dear oh dear...

you people need to watch your blood pressure!
Londonlove � I�d feel much better if people stopped treating this woman with the adoration and respect that she so clearly does not deserve.

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