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"We are all very angry" with politicians, but can't be ar$ed to vote.

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Gromit | 01:19 Fri 05th Jun 2009 | News
27 Answers
At a time when politicians are said to be at their least popular and given the chance to vote (in the elections) and send a message to the main parties what we really think of them, what do the British public do....

Nothing. Turnout could be less than 30%. 2/Desperately-low-turnout-Disillusioned-voters -stay-away-polling-stations.html

When the results are announced and Labour do poor, and the Tories maybe not as well as expected, I can already hear the excuse from the parties "...but it was a very low turnout".

Are we really not that bothered about cheating MPs, loss of jobs, the bank bailouts?

Or are we too lazy and let them off the hook?


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I notice you have once again posted a Daily Mail link to back up your forecast of a less than 30% turnout Gromit?

How do you know they are telling the truth or that it is just not sloppy journalism on the part of the Daily Mail, as you are constantly telling us?

Or have you finally realised that the only way to get the whole story is to read the facts from the Daily Mail?
Oh christ, he's awake.
That was damn funny Quinlad.
Naomi, quite, apathy rules, its human nature. But thats our current voting system and needs changing where every vote should count. Also the point I raised was a general one and in my case I did vote.
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I don't make forecasts on voting turnout. I read the newspapers and they employ professional exit pollers to estimate the turnout.

Before I post figures, I do check them. The Mail reported the same as everyone else, so I am happy to post that link having checked it was not inaccurate.
Pleased to hear it, rov.
Gromit Then why did you choose the Mail in particular, a paper you are constantly criticizing people for reading?

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"We are all very angry" with politicians, but can't be ar$ed to vote.

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