I live on the edge of Birmingham, and last week... ...As I passed each group I noticed that there were almost no whites in the groups, they were asian, black, chinese etc.
I would say of the 50 kids no more than 3 were white.
I feel sorry for you because you must be living a horrible Groundhog day. The exact same thing happened to you last December.
Tue 09/12/08
I was in the centre of Birmingham the other day, sitting on a pavement cafe having a break.
A school party came past, about 6 or 7 years olds, with their clip boards, on a school trip.
As these 30 or so kids went past I noticed that NOT ONE OF THEM WAS WHITE.
They were Asian, chinese, black, and so on. NO WHITE KIDS.
Either this incident didn't happen last week, or you go around stalking small children.