cle-1196946/He-led-Lieutenant-Colonel-killed-A fghanistan-highest-ranking-British-casualty-Fa lklands.html "Be the best at school - then you won't have to join the army!" I wonder what the family of the late Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe, would think of this quote by jake-the-peg?
But I didn't really want to use this question by having a dig at jake, but it infuriates me every time he makes such statements.
No firstly I want to convey my condolences to Rupert's family at their time of great loss, just as I also want to convey my sympathies to Trooper Joshua Hammond's family, Joshua also died in the blast on Wednesday.
What is highlighted from these two sad and unnecessary deaths that our troops are fighting not only with one hand tied behind their backs but also with outdated and inferior equipment. Perhaps now that a most senior officer has been killed riding in one of these vehicles, something may get done. Why with all the use of the technical knowledge and expertise that we possess today, can't a vehicle be equipped with devises that seek out these home made bombs before men and vehicle approach them?
Interesting to note however that now a friend of Prince Charles has been killed, he will be writing personally to the family of his late friend, why didn't he do this for the families of the 170 lives that went before the Lieutenant Colonel, after all wasn't all these also fighting in the name of the Prince's Mother.
Who says there isn't a class structure in this country, even into death?