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Oneeyedvic | 16:31 Tue 16th Nov 2004 | News
68 Answers

Okay, a (fictional) snap general election has been called for tomorrow. Polls open at 8am and close at 8 pm.


Please do not vote before 8am - your vote counts though


Who will win


You decide


So come on - if this was real - who would you vote for. Results at 8.30 pm tomorrow!



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Not complaining that I'm not getting my monies worth out of my National Extortion contribution - but am complaining that my contribution is so high when I've actually taken the trouble of protecting myself and my family as far as I possibly can. I have no desire to be a drain on the state - I'll leave that to the people who think the state should look after them, even when they've put nothing in.


Oh, and I hope you've upped your pension payments considerably, because thanks to Brown totally screwing up the pension system, if you haven't you may find yourself living in abject poverty come your retirement.



andyhughes for PM I say.Talks more sense than any politicians.

The Conservative Party
-- answer removed --
I would vote Bernardo but I am not as I am making a stand for voter apathy...

If I lived in Wales it would be 2nd row!! come on second row whats your mandate,at least youve got a sense of humour!!HI G".

Where have the posts from flanker gone?


Are you showing your political affilliation AB Ed?

Where have the posts from flanker gone?


Is AB Ed a Labourite by any  chance?

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Okay, just before 5pm and there has been a major shift in voting:

Labour 5

Bernado 3

Conservative 3

Lib Dem 1

Spoilt 1 (possibly more)

Green 1

Andy Hughes 1

just over 3 hours to go!

Judging by the amount of people who must drift through this site, that must be about a 1% turnout of voters for the election then.

I vote....................Bernado!!
oooohhhh i actually meant " I vote................Bernardo!!!"
theres only one party you should vote for thats labour,so my first choice is labour,then barnardo,2nd row,and my neighbuors cat Tilly,thankyou its been emotional.
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Only half an hour left, and it looks like Labour are going to romp home to victory.....
My dog has just told me that he wishes to vote green as well.
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Another Labout government then.......


unless we are using the same rules as the US in 2000, any my uncle happens to be counting votes - in which case Monster Raving Loony Party wins!


Thank you very much everyone for aking part in this; I despair of htis country though that wants to reelect Blair - hohum think I will go and slash my wrists.

There was nothing wrong with the Community Charge (Poll Tax); if you use the services why should you object to paying for them? Why should house owners alone pay for the services? Many of the most expensive local services support the social ills of those who spend all their dosh on beer, Benson & Hedges and Benidorm, whilst those diligent enough to save up for their own property foot all the bills that go with that as well as forking out for the aforementioned 'deprived' end of society. Maggie was short sighted because she made those who had got it for free before, pay their whack straightaway. She should have introduced it bit by bit. ie. �50 for the first year then �75 etc.. Didn't Labour squeal like anything when the prescription charge was introduced? Now they gleefully rack it up by a quid or so every year. 

So what about Labour? Well really. Into the Poodle's unnecessary 4 Billion pound war when we have an army that would fit into the old Wembley stadium. The police replaced by cameras. People going to India for operations because hospitals are just as bad as seven years ago. Unemployment is low because all the unemployed are transferred to the incapacity benefit register. Pensions in crisis (I bet those who do save for their old age will have to pay for the Benidorm lot who won't). All our old industries transferred to China. Farming just about at death's door. Asylum seekers homing in on the UK from everywhere for a life of Riley at the expense of the British worker. Etc.etc..

I know the Tories would have followed Bush into Iraq too, but I didn't vote for them at the last three elections, and probably won't next time unless they bring back Boris - the scouser's scourge.

Id like to vote labuor,,sorry im ******,my teams just won at skittles and i got the top score yeeeeesss!!So labour Won again.R.I.P.the torys.are the liberals now the second party in the UK!!The official opposition,I think so.should we honour the torys death by having a public holiday once a year .still they can always look forward to killing a few foxes this weekend,but not for much longer!!you should have learnt your lesson. Dont treat the working class people like sh**te.I call this the ,Miners revenge.Heres to 18 more years !!

Oneeyedvic,so your going to  slash your wrists.typical tory , that makes a change, your normally cutting each others throats.its in the blood!!

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