This will be the first of many half baked, ill thought out, impractical pronouncements that we can expect from the BNP now they have a platform in Europe.
Sinking boats with people on them is pretty barbaric. The EU is a modern democracy, not a bunch of pirates. This get tough posturing from the little man will find favour with a few gullible fools, but even the far right in the EU parliament are unwilling to form any alliance with him because they are regarded as bordering on looney.
I notice he is advocating the Italians carry out the drowning of children and babies, and he is not volunteering the British Navy. At least that's a start.
It would be must simpler to confiscate lorries that are found to be people smuggling into the UK. If a lorry driver knows his vehicle and cargo will be impounded and even taken off him, then he is going to be far more diligent than at present. Also, fines for the train and tunnel operators would drastically improve detection of stowaways.