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Were they right to complain?

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anotheoldgit | 16:31 Sun 26th Jul 2009 | News
35 Answers 2/Muslims-refuse-use-alcohol-based-hand-gels-r eligious-beliefs.html

Some Muslims have refused to use alcohol-based hand gels to combat the spread of swine flu because they claim it is against their religion.

I thought we had left all this rubbish behind, when the British in India were accused of greasing (in fact waxed) their Indian's soldier's cartridges.

It was rumoured that they were lubricated with grease from cattle (holy to Hindus) or pigs (unclean to Muslims). smearing their cartridges in pig fat, this of course led to the Indian Mutiny.


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They are in the UK, by choice and they should at least obey the direction of the department of Health regarding recommndations for hygiene........and that also applies to non-Muslims
No, they are not right to complain.

Sqad, nice to see you, but why are you green? (Sorry AOG - but I have to ask).
Insane... Would a muslim health worker save my life if I was choking on a bacon sandwich?
As far as i`m concerned religious beliefs should be put to one side when peoples lives are at risk or being saved.
The important points are it is SOME Muslims and The Muslim Council of Britain said: �We would advise people to follow the medical advice so we would, of course, encourage people to use hand gel. People need to find ways to accommodate their beliefs.�
Of course they're in the wrong complaining. When will they get it into their heads they're not in their own country and stop moaning and complaining about the least little thing? Send them all home,that's what I say!!!
this of course led to the Indian Mutiny.

It was one semi-myth that kind of gave them an excuse.

The Mutiny itself was based on much longer-harbored resentment toward the British over what was perceived (rightly or wrongly is another debate) to be British (or, rather, Christian) encroachment. It wasn't about fat on cartridges.

I think your link to the Indian mutiny is somewhat tenuous...
Bizarre how muslim owned convenience stores are happy to stock alcohol.

'Its against our religion (unless it earns us money)'
well said china dog in this country its one rule for us another rule for them
Why do you assume that the people who are happy to stock alcohol hold exactly the same beliefs as the people who refuse to use alcoholic hand gel?
People who sell alcohol are wrong and so are the people who are refusing to use this gel. Alcohol sellers are doing because they are more interested in their bank balance and people who refuse gel do not understand Islamic ruling about alcohol. Use of alcohol for enjoyment and consequently intoxication is not allowed and we all know why. For medicinal reasons there is no problem. I am sure people drink cough syrup and that contains alcohol.
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Keyplus, Use of alcohol for enjoyment and consequently intoxication is not allowed ....

There are many Islamic nations where alcohol is freely available, so what are we to make of that?

I don't know why you bother to get involved in any thread, since it usually results in you disappearing without trace when you can't justify your argument. To my knowledge there are still at least two threads awaiting answers from you. When are you going to address those? 7012-3.html 6083-2.html
I think keyplus meant to say 'Muslims who sell alcohol are wrong', calling him a horrible little man was unecessary birdie1971!
Daffy 654 - If my little birdie had even 10% of the sense you have then he might have worked that out. But I know him well enough so I will just leave him alone after all his nursery class is off due to the holidays so he is allowed to play with the grownups.

Naomi - can't you find another excuse than you have not answered my question when people do not agree with you. You may not like but your these lame excuses have and are making me more determined. And if according to you there are many Islamic nations where alcohol is easily available then obviously you know no difference between Islam and Muslims. Let me just give you a little help. Someone who calls himself Muslim because he has a Muslim name but is doing what Islam does not allow then for you he might be a Muslim but according to Islam he is not a good Muslim because unlike any other religion Islam is a package deal and you cannot pick and choose. Her it is why,

Quran 2:208. O ye who believe! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of the evil one; for he is to you an avowed enemy.

Because it is a way of life and you are either believe in the whole thing or do not believe at all. Simple, but you will never understand and I know why, because you do not want to.
Keyplus, what on earth are you talking about. What excuses? And I'd like an answer please, along with your evidence of my so called 'excuses'. You can insult and try to undermine people all you like, but the truth, like it or not, is that you disappear when it suits you - and you do it regularly. However, my last answer seems to have hit the spot because I see you've since scurried back to one of the threads I mentioned, although you still haven't replied to the questions on the other thread - and the one from Birdie is actually very relevant to what you've just told me, so how about an answer? Here it is:

Keyplus � It's always your contention that there is no �true� Islamic society/country on this Earth. Because, as far as I can tell, you think that Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc. have all got it wrong.

Please could you enlighten me as to what would constitute a "True" Islamic society in your eyes?

Following that, I'll add a question of my own. If you say those 'Muslim' countries where alcohol is readily available aren't 'Islamic', then I can only presume that you deem countries where alcohol is not available to be Islamic - and yet you tell Birdie that there is no true Islamic country on this earth - so which is it to be?
First of all sometimes not answering is known as ignoring if you do not understand that simple bit. As you even said on that thread to birdie that I was around but did not respond to that question.

Now to your question, None of the countries (law) is 100% Islamic. If you do not understand it then a Muslim mean the one who submits his will to God. And that submission must be 100%. So if any country is not dealing in alcohol (from your example) then they might be doing something else which is not allowed in Islam. Is Dubai an Islamic country? Not in my mind. Of course reasons are so many but in short they make laws to please others than God. Best example is Turkey where if you use Hijab you cannot get admission in the Uni, it is allowed in Britain though. So would you call Turkey a Muslim country? For example if I start drinking because I want to look moderate and later on give up after I find that even none Muslims are giving up because it is not good for health. Then who did I do that for. It�s a long debate, you may not understand and I do not want to hijack people's thread. In simple words Muslims (majority) are hypocrites they talk about what they do not act upon and this is agreed by even majority of the scholars. But you should have understood it had you read the book I told you to read �Islam and the destiny of man� Just read 1st paragraph on page 15 and you would get the answer. What that man said to Gai Eaton (the writer). Then look around and read the history and you will find that when Muslims acted upon Quran they produced scientists, scholars, historians. They had Baghdad and Cordoba like Oxford and Cambridge. That happened out of the people who were never known to the world for their knowledge at least. Now they probably have more wealth and sources than others and still no one listens to them.
By the way did you read that book?
It's known as ignoring them? Oh really? Odd that you're happy to talk to people until you're stuck for an answer, and then conveniently ignore them.

Yes, I have read it Keyplus - you know I've read it. I told you quite a while ago that I'd read it. Nevertheless, I've just dug it out again to look at the first paragraph on page 15, and all I can see that anyone says to Gai Eaton is 'You must be mad! How could you have joined us as a time when we are so wretched, so decadent, so shameful, so untrue to all that is meant by Islam'. Is that what you wanted me to read?

Have you finished The God Delusion yet? do you do that clever italic writing when one is quoting someone else?
Actually, Keyplus, if you want to continue this discussion, rather than hijack AOG's thread, perhaps you should move it to R&S. Perhaps Birdie will join us there.
Sqad, type < i > (with no spaces between) then type your words, then type < / i > (with no spaces between).

I've had to put spaces between characters in the formula otherwise you won't be able to see how to do it - all you'll see will be this:

(with no spaces between) then type your words, then type

Click on Tutorial at the bottom of the page - that will tell you how to do everything.

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