BBC are showing a program at the moment called "Saints and Scroungers" about people who do good for the community, but others who fiddle the benefit system.
They had a benefit fraudster on the other day who had claimed housing benefit for 10 YEARS (over �60,000 I think he got).
Turns out he owned a house worth �500,000, plus 3 other houses that he rented out.
He was caught and did go to prison, but others on the show are caught but get a slap on the wrist and community service.
This country has been handing out benefits FAR TOO EASILY for years.
My guess is we could HALVE the outgoings on benefits if we routed out all the fiddlers (no figures to back this up, but we could easily reduce it by a huge amount)..
See the program here if you want to fume Saints_and_Scroungers_Searle/