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What percentage and how many illegal immigrants are deported?

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rov1200 | 12:05 Tue 08th Sep 2009 | News
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And obviously these are the ones caught which itself will be a small percentage of the total living here.
Thats rather difficult to answer because you need to know how many illegal immigrants come into the country each year and obviously they don't tend to register.

Remember too that there are different types of illeagl immigrants. Some come in on a student visa and attend ficticious colledges or real ones and drop out. Some come in genuinely and overstay their visas. Then you have asylum seekers who come ask for asylum and are refused

It rather depends what numbers you count.

I've seen a claim of half a million but that was in the Express, 200,000 is probably closer

Last figures I saw 2007 I think had over 4,000 deportations just from foreign nationals deported after serving a prison sentence.

And there's a figure of 63,000 deported here

Across the EU the figure is 4-8 million so we're doing pretty well by comparison.

Of course there are those who suggest that we should give an amnest to illegal immigrants who are working as we'd be better gaining tax revenue from workers than kicking them out.

Here from Senior Tory Anthony Browne
that's 4-8 million illegals, not deportations
-- answer removed --

You asked the following:

Why is that the likes of you, Rov, and also aog and Geezer amongst others, seem to be almost paranoid about immigrants, and Muslims in particular, in the UK?

I cannot speak for Rov, or Geezer, but this is my reason:

How many more of these evil creatures are attending so called Friday prayers, when in fact they are being brainwashed into how to kill us?

The time is long overdue for the Muslim religion to be outlawed in this country, and all the Mosques to be closed.

Unreasonable panic measures, one may say, but what would the reaction have been if these evil three's plans had been carried out?

Perhaps then the old British Lion, would have woken up from his slumber of total apathy?
Question Author
And what is it about you dancairo that sympathises with illegal immigrants and..... terrorists (from another post)
The reason some of us are paranoid about immigration and Muslins is because of things like this.

A 65 year old man (who happened to a Muslim) was attacked by 20 black youths (some as young as 12) and he died from his injuries.

What sort of country are we producing here!

I often say that Blair and Brown (and also the Tories who also let in many immigtants) are dragging this country down to third world levels.

I dont know about any of you, but I dont want to live in a country were 20 black youths can set on one old man so badly it kills him.

I live on the edge of Birmingham and when I go into the centre of the city I often see gangs of blacks and asians with their aggresive snarling attitude and it is very frightening (I know there are white gangs but we are talking immigration here).

As long as immigration is allowed to continue, as long as we have Muslims who want to blow us up, as long as we have black and asian gangs pushing drugs and shooting people on the streets then I (and others) will continue to shout about the evils of immigration.

The more we let in the worse it is going to get.
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Nothing to do with being Egyptian by any chance?

"The time is long overdue for the Muslim religion to be outlawed in this country, and all the Mosques to be closed."

In your thread about the English Democrats, I asked you how you felt about their clause on individual liberty, and presumably you didn't see it.

So given the above statement, I'll try again: how do you feel about the English Democrats' stance on individual liberty?

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What percentage and how many illegal immigrants are deported?

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