Ludwig, I came by my AnswerBank user-name by virtue of having been for many years the quiz-master at a whole variety of different pubs in my locality and - by post - beyond. As a result, acquaintances in my own local christened me, 'Monsterquizzer'. (That was simply too long for AnswerBank, hence the abbreviation.)
Given that over 90% of pub quizzers are familiar with the silly mantra about an "unelected Prime Minister" - and specifically to whom it refers - I can't see much chance of your question being chosen by any quiz-master worth his salt for a generation or two. And, even then, it will still be an absurdity.
(How is it that my three responses are "getting touchy" whilst your three are presumably sweet reason and light? And we await with bated breath the miraculous plans to be offered by 'your man'. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Couldn't give us a clue, could you?