It just goes to prove that some on here will readily agree with those that in the past they have slagged off, but only when they are singing from the same hymn sheet as them.
Regarding Littlejohn and the Mail, even if they agreed with some of the BNPs ideas, they would not risk siding with them.
In these days of deteriorating freedom of "Free Speech", who would dare to speak out against anything that is the fashionable No, No. of the moment?
We have seen in the past the careers of celebrities, journalists, politicians etc. ruined because they have happened, maybe at the slip of the tongue, let something be said that is not quite PC.
The Left may not be racially motivated, but they do not like anyone who's thinkings differ from theirs. They also want to take control in every way, the years of this Labour party is a prime example (the nanny state).
Under the far left (communist) one would have no freedom whatsoever.
You fear the Far Right now, if ever the Far Left were in power, then you would be really frightened. Unless you became totally subservient to the State, you would find yourselves in Labour Camps, or looking over your shoulder before you said anything.
Hang on is this what we have to do now?