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/// AOG - they are not out there to SUPPORT - that is suggesting that they are inferior -/////
Of course if you haven't an argument, why not create lies to get your twisted logic over.
Where have I said that they are inferior?
Let me explain to someone that has such a small and bigoted mind like yours.
When I said they are out there in support, this is true since they are not fighting side by side with the men on the front line, taking on the Taliban.
On the whole they are most likely, doing valuable work behind the lines, perhaps in a medical/surgical capacity or in administration etc etc.
Equally important work, which they deserve the full praise of the British public, but those that are coming home to safety, because they have got themselves pregnant, then one has to think differently of them.
I won't go on to call you all the names you have labelled me with, enough to say you are just an uninformed prat. !!!!!!!!