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Bloòdy tourists, taking photographs of our landmarks

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Gromit | 14:45 Thu 03rd Dec 2009 | News
42 Answers
Apparently, the country is awash with foreigners who are taking pictures of our wonderful country to enjoy back home in johnnyforeignerland.

Several have been waterboarded but still they come.

Are the authorities doing enough to deter these unpleasant people?



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Was he a little fish in a big pond ?
Oi teacher! Stop nicking my old trout
eel be sorry he ever tried. Funny, I was out taking photos of St Paul at sunset on the same evening as the BBC chappie who was stopped, and only about half an hour later. Nobody stopped me, but I appear to have been just lucky.

I was going to caption the photos 'salmon chanted evening', of course.
Don't you snapper at me mrs_overall !
I bet the case would flounder if it ever came to court
jno, if you'd had a sibling with you and he appeared in the photo, you could have titled it
"My Brother Hake"
That's me 'Fin'ished ! lol
Off you roe then, teacher!
well I only went there for the halibut, mrs o
lol ;o)
Were you feeling crabby?
Right, thats me done now. I'm off to the shops with Mr O's credit card - the world is my oyster! :)

Gromit - I'm sure someone will be along with a serious answer! xx
perhaps the police thought it was to do with nuclear fishin.
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Perhaps people feel they have to mullet over before sending a proper answer?
-- answer removed --
I wonder why the terrorists have infected our streets. There wasn't a problem before we tried to tell the Iraqis and Afghans how to behave. Thats the trouble, give them a helping hand and they spit back in your face.
Now with 30,000 more troops I suppose their anger will increase. What will it take to make them really happy?
ooohhhh who's got a chip on their shoulder........
...but seriously though, "Craig Mackey, from the Association of Chief Police Officers, said part of the problem was some officers were unaware how best to use the legislation." Errm, isn't it the job of Chief Police Officers to ensure that their officers are properly trained?
As I have said before, some cannot get their point over without making up lies.

This time Gromit excels once again,

/// Several have been waterboarded but still they come.///

Read through the Telegraph's story, but cannot see any evidence that supports this lie.

Then he has the balls to accuse the Daily Mail of making up lies.
the irony bypass still working then, aog?

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Bloòdy tourists, taking photographs of our landmarks

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