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Another honour killing, or....

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sp1814 | 02:27 Fri 04th Dec 2009 | News
28 Answers
Can we have at look at this story:


and ask why those who would rush to their keyboards condemning this young man, had he been black or Muslim, have been noticablevin their silence?

Is this story only horrific, when it's an 'honour killing'?


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I only heard about this story yesterday for the first time. My silence on the matter is due to the fact I knew nothing of it.
we're not all racists, for heaven's sake.

have a look at this.. one of the most shocking things I've read recently.

again, no honour involved.
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oh yes, I love AOG's posts :o/

and he loves my responses, lol!
The only conclusion I would draw from the two posted links is that I'm never going to Scotland again!
any killing is horrific, and there is NO honour in murder.
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I'm appalled by your comment. I shall never be Robin to AOG's Batman.
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Honest - I'm not attacking the media here. My criticism is aimed at posters here on AB who would relish (if that's the correct word) this story had it been about a Muslim, because in their eyes it supports the contentions re: Muslim violence again women.

The common denominator isn't's sex. Domestic violence is a man thing. Not a Muslim thing.
What has this got to do with so called honour killiing? You're on another planet with this one SP. This is a horrific murder by a rejected boyfriend. So called Honour killings, no less brutal presumably, are carried out by muslim families when one of their daughters happens to fall in love with someone not on the approved list. Same result different motive.
Once again my name has been targeted, but then this is the only reason that sp1814 raised the issue.

Anyone who has contributed to this site for any length of time will know that sp1814, while quick to condemn me of being racist is nothing more than a closeted racist himself, that is why he always continues to attach a race issue to most posts.

This of course stems from the fact that I once condemned 3 separate cases of Black gang rapes on young defenceless girls, plus the fact that I dared to call them savages.

Well for sp's and others benefit I equally condemn any such savage and vicious crimes no matter what race or religion the perpetrators belong to, and for the record I think that birdie 1971 has wrote an excellent post on this story, which i totally agree with.

Just to keep a level playing field, which sp doesn't normally like, and even taking into account this case is still in the trial process.

I think that if found guilty this horrible, cowardly "WHITE SAVAGE" deserves to be locked up for many years.

It's good that you're now making it clear 'savages' refers to those black rapists. When you originally brought it up, it looked more like you were referring to black youths in general - either because that's what you actually meant or because you don't write very clearly.

Thanks for taking the trouble to put things straight though.

I have never said any different.

It was only you and others that took it out out of context for the benefit of your own twisted logic.

If you can't find anyone you disagree with, a racist, then why not take statements they make out of context, if this fails then why not revert to good old, damn right lies?

Most times these tactics work when sensitive racial issues are posted, but as I have repeatedly said, "they don't work with me, AOG couldn't care a toot"
The problem is that you're not very good at writing clearly. Please don't attack others if (going with the generous interpretation of what you meant) your poor communication skills meant you failed to make yourself understood.

And as for attacking people's "twisted logic", you might want to wonder why so many people were prepared to believe that you were calling black people 'savages'.
"AOG couldn't care a toot"

Other people egotistical enough to refer to themselves in the third person include:

Mariah Carey
Benito Mussolini
Jose Mourinho
Craig David
Puff Daddy
Margaret Thatcher

Why did you not rush to your keyboard over this case? A horrific attack on a young girl, that could have cost the lives of not only herself but also her unborn child.


All in the name of potential fame in the grime music scene.

/// Jolie, the victim's former boyfriend, claimed the girl was jeopardising his chances of fame in the grime music scene by refusing to have an abortion.///

Fortunately both mother and child are now well, but this horrible experience will be etched on her mind for life.

Just what are you rattling on about?

I seem to make myself perfectly understood by most people, it is only a very small percentage of people on this site, that finds any difficulty.

But before you condemn my perfectly adequate communication skills, perhaps one should question one's own ability to read and interpret straight forward text

/// wonder why so many people were prepared to believe that you were calling black people 'savages'. ///

Perhaps you are prepared to supply a list of these 'MANY PEOPLE'?

Counting your fingers upon one hand, shouldn't be too difficult even for you.
SP, where are you? the silence is deafenning!
"I seem to make myself perfectly understood by most people, it is only a very small percentage of people on this site, that finds any difficulty. "

But you're the one in difficulty, which is why you frequently wheel out this subtly different version of the 'savages' line in a frantic attempt to back-pedal. I'm just trying to advise you on how to avoid it in the future - as a friend, like.

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