What a chestnut this subject is, why are other people not pilloried when they cannot get to work? Oh yes, they're not the nation's babysitting service! Were I still at the chalk face, I would have to travel 11 miles to work, I cannot, after 3 days, get out of the road outside my house.
All the parents who complain, how many have taken children out for cheap holidays, to get shoes, to look after a younger child, to go to meet their Gran at the station, to get the new United shirt.................... the list of reasons is almost endless. Yes. I am aware that many parents do not do any of these things.
In the 50s and 60s we has a great time at school in the snow, throwing snowballs and making lethal ice-slides. People were injured, I'm sure bones were broken but it was considered to be an accident, not "a nice little earner".
Today, schools cannot win, if children were not allowed into the playground but kept inside all day I'm sure there would be an outcry but they cannot be expected to allow children out to play if there is the slightest risk of a bruise!