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Common-sense prevails at last?

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anotheoldgit | 16:33 Mon 18th Jan 2010 | News
11 Answers

Islamic sect Tablighi Jamaat, gets the boot.

The Muslim Council of Britain condemned the move by stating that the group had fallen victim to “unfounded hostility and hysteria”.


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It's a start!
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They are not squatters they own the land, and they had been illegally operating on the site, since they were behind in their application for planning permission,

/// A spokesman said that action was taken because the trust missed its final deadline, earlier this month, to lodge a masterplan.The council was investigating all options, including compulsory purchase.///

So don't you dare tell me to change the record, 'PAL'
ahmskunnirt would let them stay and probably get the taxpayer to pay for a new mosque as well just in case we breached their human rights!!
It is good to see the council tax payers of Newham will now pay a vast fortune to Islamic sect Tablighi Jamaa for a worthless piece of land, so at least the story has a happy ending.

Tablighi Jamaa never applied for planning permission for the mega-mosque, have no architects working on a design and long since sack the PR company tasked with selling the idea to locals.

Anyone else smell a rat?
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Am I missing something, didn't the sect buy the land of the council, in the first place?

How do you know Gromit that Newham will now pay a vast fortune for a worthless piece of land, (your words, not mine)?

/// At least the story has a happy ending.///

Yes we have won for a change.

Actually I smell an amazingly lucrative business opportunity.

Buy a piece of land, let it be known that you're planning to build a mosque. Wait for local protests, and then get the local council to buy the land back off you at a massive mark up.

Knowing my luck I'd make the mistake of buying a piece of land in Luton and then HAVE to open and fund it!
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When has anything compulsory purchased, (land or buildings), ever been purchased at a massive marked up price?
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That is what I meant.


Do you honestly believe Newham Council will pay the sect the same amount of money for the land that they purchased it from the council for?

You say 'we' have won for a change. If you think Tablighi Jamaat laughing all the way to the bank, just to stop a Mosque that they had no intention of building in the first place is a victory, then you have missed a golden opportunity to display your usual outrage.
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You know all this do you?

Have you inside knowledge that they had no intentions of building a Mosque?

Do you also know that the sect will make on the deal?

Better get your usual 'Google Fingers' working and come up with some proof.

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Common-sense prevails at last?

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