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The scandal of immigration

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VHG | 09:01 Wed 20th Jan 2010 | News
36 Answers
A report out today (from a left wing group) says unemployment amongst young (16-24) Asians is 35% and amongst 16-24 Blacks it is 48%.

Amongst 16-24 whites it is "only" 20%

So much for the rubbish about immigration being a benefit to this country.

All it has done is left us with hundreds of thousands of low education people, many without qualifications, who cannot (or will not) get a job and are now a burden on our society and our benefits purse.

And if course it is all too late because successvie goverments have let them in and we are now stuck with them (and their kids, and then their kids).

What a way to ruin what was once a great country.


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Ya, lets line 'em all up against a wall and shoot 'em, that'll teach 'em!
Comparing unemployment statistics from a relatively stable period to those in a recession is just stupid, but that is what this think tank has done.
I bet the majority not working were born here.
you'd murder someone and then complain about how the murder rate has gone up in this country
Why is anybody surprised about the following findings:

Unemployment is highest in the poorly qualified ethnic minorities.
Unemployment is highest in the poorly qualified whites.

The common denominator is "poorly qualified"
I've always found the Asian work ethic to be much better than the white-british youth's.
When I was at school the few Asian pupils in my school were usually top in all exams and all went on to college and university. We only had about 6 Asian pupils though which was very unusual for a Leicester school.
daffy...exactly, the Asians worked harder and did better in examinations than their white counterparts.
Whilst there are connections between many subjects, and I'm sure there is some affect between immigration and "black" unemployment I'm amazed one can jump from one to the other like that.

We are overcrowded in this united kingdom, as the world in general is; and so immigration is a problem despite what some might claim.

And I can accept the group figures given for unemployment, but what springs to my mind is why the difference is there, what is the cause.

And also how it gives the lie to the claim that folk need to work until their seventies because the country can not afford pensions, whilst at the same time the country has to afford unemployment benefit and welfare instead; and there is a generation of younger folk becoming disillusioned, possibly for life, a problem that will be exasperated by any raising the retirement age.
Old Geezer

We are *not* overcrowded in the United Kingdom

We are overcrowded in some cities and particularly in the South East.

Just because you see a lot of people does not make that so for the whole country - It's a distribution issue - I heard yesterdat that 2 out of 3 jobs are in just 5 cities

That is the problem
A friend of mine is a supply teacher, & works all over South Yorks & North Derbys. She has taught all the ethnic minorities Somalis, Pakistanis,Yemenis etc. The schools she dreads are those with a majority of white unemployed working class kids. Some of these children will never work, as they come from families that have never worked.
This is not a new problem! Successive governments have tried, & failed!
I disagree. We have problems with not enough housing, problems with building on the green belt, problems with building on flood plains, problems with coping with the amount of waste the population produces, problems with ensuring sufficient supply of energy, to mention just a few. The human race has failed to control their ability to expand their numbers, and this country is no exception.

Do you have a question, or do you want to debate the reasons why the country is no longer the 'once great' place it used to be?

The reason I ask, is because I can list, maybe, ten things you may have not considered.

They might upset you though, because they have stuff all to do with immigration.
Tell us Sp, get the blood up for a fight.
I agree with Carrust, I've never been spat at by any ethnic minority.
Old Geezer

Go for a walk in Dorset or Wiltshire or Lincolnshire and come back and say we are over populated.

The requirement for all of the things you mention drops as population does and without immigration population in this country will fall.

Without immigration in 40 years time there will simply not be enough income generated by working people ( or working people themselves to look after the older people)

You may not care (depending on your age) but some of us are planning to be about then and may need a plumber or doctor or even get our bins emptied.

What we don't need is the sort of economic tourism of people coming over working a year or so and sending all their earnings back overseas.

We need good quality people coming here and bringing their families.

This is why the Government introduced a points based system for immigration two years ago
actually, jake, I would have thought people working here for a year aren't going to send *all* their income back home; at the very least they'll spend enoug to keep themselves, recycling their money round local businesses. What they probably won't be doing is making any big demands on health and education services (which are overstretched) and buying property (prices already too high). So I don't see economic tourists as a big problem.
Jake. Just because one area of the country appears to have less then another does not mean the countryu is not over populated. It is overpopulated for the infrastructure currently in place.
The world is dangerously overpopulated Global warming(if you believe it) is nothing compared to what the population growth will do over the next 50 years. And of course population growth also has a direct effect on Global warming for those right on pinkos that buy into the theory.
Unfortunatley statisics can be very misleading and I personally would like to see a complete breakdown of where these figures come from before commenting.
Actually, VHG copied his entire post from a stone carving in the British Museum signed by Caractacus Ug, an ancient Briton protesting against all these Romans coming into his once great country.
The problem is we do not have enough job opportunities in this country, no matter how well educated the youngsters are.

Even for those that go on to university, there is very little chance of them gaining employment that befits their qualifications.
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Some of the problems of immigration in my city are.
1.Schools; Immigrants tend to gravitate to low cost housing, the schools in those areas have to cope with an influx of non-English speaking pupils. They have to pay for interpreters etc. The schools also have to keep tabs on the pupils, as the East European kids tend to be a transient group.
2. Health. GP's surgeries are full to bursting point with new patients...mostly immigrants. East Europeans are now coming over here to have their babies, the local maternity hospital is just coping with all the extra work.
Employment. Sub-contractors in the building industry are being laid off because of cheap East European labour...they will work for minimum wages. They can work for such low wages as their living costs are much lower...they can live 10 to a house!

This is not a racist reply,however, I tell it as I see it. We don't have the infrastructure to cope with such large amounts of immigration.

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