Technology2 mins ago
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
Operation Branchform, the police investigation into Nicola Sturgeon and SNP finances now approaches its fourth year. This "investigation" has taken longer than:- The investigation, arrests, trials... ...
Scotland’s economy gets a massive boost with £800m investment in battery storage by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners. Two 500MW Battery Energy Storage facilities will be based in Scotland—... ...
The first of many I bet, Tax the rich..the rich "bye bye" \\ Pound plunges as borrowing costs rise - with economists warning its a 'big red flag' The value of the pound has slid to a nine-month low... ...
The National Grid has advised of a potential generation shortfall for later today, that could result in power cuts for some. Back in the day, this was achieved by switching off the electrical... ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /c9q789 807eno who'd have thunk it? ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /c62zpr egm2mo The bond prices have reach above what they would have done the Truss budget had been implement yet the silence is deafening. Truss was hounded out... ...
"The Government is considering the elimination of free prescriptions for individuals over 60 in an effort to generate over £1 billion for the NHS over the next five years. Ministers have not... ...
According to the BBC last night he also said that unless Hamas releases the remaining hostages before his inauguration, 'all hell will break... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/19 97488/G rooming -gangs- Labour- Oldham So how can we get control of inflation? I know Lets print some more money because that's like free money and wont affect... ...
Elon Musk's father,,,,says history will repeat itself, and Tommy Robinson will become Prime Minister of the UK and will lead Britain just like Nelson Mandela did. OMG.
Have you cut yourself shaving ? If so, claim from the razor company, and get £5,000 because of such a "traumatic experience". I kid you not... ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /cly74m py8klo Our erstwhile saviours/misfits seem to be caving to the lowest common denominator. ...
https:/ / ElonAle rtsX/st atus/18 7642837 8745495 578?mx= 2 I think he may have a point. ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /c0j104 20e2jo ....who'd have thunk it! Get ready for high inflation followed by high interest rates. Good ole traditional Labour eh? ...
https:/ /news.s story/a nti-cor ruption -minist er-tuli p-siddi q-refer s-herse lf-to-e thics-w atchdog -over-l inks-to -depose d-bangl adeshi- pm-aunt -132845 27 So the anit corruption minister is to be... ...
Prudes need not view. https:/ / TheNorf olkLion /status /187632 2110957 879452 ...
https:/ /www.te legraph news/20 25/01/0 6/train s-cance lled-af ter-uni on-told -driver s-not-t o-walk- snow/ Press escape as its loading to read the article. Trains cancelled after Aslef told drivers not... ...
Now he is gone who will be the new Govenor of the 51st State? Seriously though, anyone know the contenders? Friends living ther edont rate any of them
https:/ /www.te legraph busines s/2025/ 01/06/r ecord-t ax-raid -trigge rs-mass -job-cu ts/#:~: text=So me%2023 pc%20of %20comp anies%2 0in,Dec ember%2 C%20acc ording% 20to%20 S%26P%2 0Global . Rachel from accounts... ...