The rise and fall of a "hard working" illegal immigrant
Who managed to smuggle illegal migrants into the country in exchange for nearly £150,000.
Other offences charged with, misconduct in public office, money laundering of £143,955, facilitating the breach of immigration law by a non-EU national and possession of false ID documents with intent.
Mashudo Brisco Ndou, came to Britain from Ethiopia with a Liberian ID card as an illegal immigrant, claiming asylum in Britain in 1995
Then made a UK citizen in 2005, and changed his name to Anthony Davis Quarco, and founded 'The Gift of God Zion Training Church' in Brixton.
In March 2006 Quarco began work at Luton Airport
By 2008 he was part of the Immigration Service's Criminal Investigation Team. (you couldn't make this up)
Finally found out in March 2009, when police raided his two properties, in Croydon and South Norwood.
Yes in the short time of 14 years he had managed to acquire a pretty good job, 2 properties, and a nice little side line earner to boot.
Who says these immigrants don't go towards enriching our society?