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Venables convicted of sex crime?

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Booldawg | 15:26 Sat 06th Mar 2010 | News
38 Answers

If this is true, will he be put on the sex offenders register and lose all rights to his secret identity?


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no.. accused... by The Sun newspaper!
Jack Straw says he was jailed because of a serious sex offence.

1: he should never have been released in the first place
2: yet again we see the total ineptitude of probation officers, social workers and the like.
3: how on earth did these useless do-gooders come to the conclusion that he was ok to release.

Whilst i agree we cant be using the death penalty on kids, there is absolutely no reason why they cant be detained for their natural life.

for a crime of this seriousness it beggars belief that they were no longer considered a danger.

the probation officers , social workers and physchiatrists and any body else that evaluated them should hold their heads in shame and should be relieved of their jobs immediately.

We continually hear from ex-offenders how easy it is to fool all these so called experts.

the risks involved are far too high to let people like this back on the streets, yes it does cost a lot to keep them incarcerated, but in the whole scale of things is peanuts, better that than letting them out to maybe kill again.
Where has Jack Straw said the offence was sexual? I have only read quotes where he says serious offence.
On BBC news it was quoted that Jack Straw said a serious sex allegation.
This is what I have seen about his would seem there are a lot of 'chinese whispers' relating to this case.

Also.....the US and Somalia are the only 2 countries that currently will jail minors for life.
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If they have been given new identties, how do the media know who they are?
The "most serious sex allegation" according to The Sun. What is the worst allegation that could be made.... a child sex allegation. If this is the case it would explain why the government have kept it classified. My view on what should happen to him is extreme so at the very least he should spend the remainder of his life in the solitary confinement of 4 concrete walls and a concrete floor.
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bundleone, are you a little naive? heard of the expression money talks?
According to the press, he has been taking drugs and telling people who he is, so why keep his identity secret? I think they should have spent a little more time in prison until they were older, and had more time to prepare before being released. However, apparently Robert Thompson lives with his partner who knows who he is, it has not been revealed whether he works or not. Venables on the other hand has had to keep his identity completely secret with all the pressure that would entail. It is interesting that Thompson came from a broken family with big problems and Venables had a relatively stable family background, although was a bit thick.
bundleone...the press have always known who and where they are. They have not been allowed to print it though.... They did inform Denise Bulger who came face to face with one of them some years ago.

I bet Robert Thompson is crapping it....
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According to the papers he's been in trouble quite a few times over the years. Nothing so bad as to risk his identity being revealed.....until now.
I think the media should get together and just reveal everything. A typical 200k fine each is minimal to what would set a precident and allow us all to show this government, no more!
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My personal opinion....they should have been given the chance, as they were. He's blown that chance now.

If what is being reported is true (child porn) he's wonderfully fluffed no matter what...!!
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I don't feel sorry for him....

I do wonder though. He was considered the 'good boy' out of the two. It was also said that he was lead by Thompson.

So....was he born evil? Or...did prison teach him to be?

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Venables convicted of sex crime?

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