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Church and Schools

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flip_flop | 08:40 Mon 08th Mar 2010 | News
87 Answers
I went to church yesterday.

I don't believe in god, but I do find it fascinating how people who appear to be normal intelligent people can believe in something as absurd as a greater being.

I went to church because we have had to start playing the game of pretending we are good church-going people to ensure our kids get into a decent school.

In my town, there is just one school that is not linked to a church and this is miles away, and as a firm believer that children should walk to school, this school is out of the question.

The nearest school, a 5 minute walk away, gives preference to church goers first, which must be supported by a letter from the vicar.

This is an absurd situation, isn't it?

Is discrimination on religious grounds illegal?


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You do not believe in a greater being and you do not believe the church should have such power, yet you would rather save fifteen minutes each way and use a different school?
Question Author
We want to use the closest school.

This is sensible, isn't it?

But unfortunately, to use the closest school, we must hood-wink the church affiliated with the closest school.

What ever happened to catchment areas?
I was going to say that.
you have a choice...make it...

go to church and shut up about it, or if its that painful for you to 'hood wink' drive your child to school...

i notice you still have not commented on allowing your child to get public transport, which suggests to me that you are just bitter....and want to have your cake an eat it..
You say it is sensible but what is more important to you, sticking by firm beliefs or saving 30 minutes each day?

As for catchment areas, how would you expect a school to choose if there were too many prospective pupils in the catchment area?
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You were harsh and over judgemental - but that aside I have responded. If you care to go back to that thread you will see my response to your question.

I wholeheartedly agree that sitting in a church as a non-believer makes me a hypocrite. But a coward?

But OK, as you appear to be ABs self-appointed moral arbiter, I'll accept those labels if that means I am doing what I think is right for my children.

Wouldn't you do what you think is right for your children? What if the right course of action offended your lofty moral ideals?

But then I don't see what I am doing as anything immoral (or cowardly) - hypocritical, oh yes, definitely, with bells on, but I couldn't care any less about that if I tried.
couldt care enough to post on answerbank either
flip_flop...your children are your most valued possession....why not move to be nearer the other school - and leave a vacancy for another who wants to use this school.
I take great offence at being described as feeble minded for attending church presumably one day you be asking for help on your shaking of this mortal coil on...end of story...
you dont at any point suggest that one school is better than the other, its all just based on distance.

Tamborine has a good suggestion, move into the catchment area on the non religious school with the best prospects
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That is a very fair point tamborine.

There's nothing wrong with the non-affilliated school.

But it is a sorry state of affairs that you stand much less of a chance of getting in to your local school if you aren't a church goer.
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It does not matter....if you do not believe in god do not go to church .....that is very selfish as people who do believe may not get into the school as you have got the places.....if it is out with a mile there will be a school bus provided surely if not i would look into that are very arrogant, and religion has been around longer than your small mind...
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I do not seek immortality my beliefs are mine as a commited catholic my family accept my beliefs but do not share them which is fine by me. What I cannot accept is the lies to gain a place at school to the detriment of another child. How can this be acceptable ?
"Do you remember what it was like before you were born?"
"Do you remember what it was like before you were conceived?"

The answer is not "nothing" but (probably) "no".

That said I have difficulty in recalling what I did last month, so does that imply I didn't exist then ?

Feel free to reject the possibility that this universe we detect not being all there is; but try not to insult those who do try to consider the possibility of a greater reality.
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