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St Patrick's Day

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anotheoldgit | 16:47 Wed 17th Mar 2010 | News
42 Answers
No one appears to have noticed yet that today is St Patrick's Day.

So may I wish all the Irish ABers a Happy St Patrick's Day.

While on the subject why is it that the Irish celebrate their Patron's Saints day, more than either England, Wales or Scotland do theirs?


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Is it really 12 months since AOG made that maon - time passes.

Better do my annual standard answer - Saint George was Turkish don't you know.
Because we love our country more than the others....
St Patrick wasn't Irish..!!
The reason and the only reason is the Guiness company.

If you look the only place its celebrated is pubs and I thought saints days were holy.

And I don't know anyone who celebrates it, apart from local publicans but then I live in London
I think you'll find that Mass was busy this morning....

I didn't go but my MIL phoned me to tell me what a good turn out there was.
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Zeuhl...where I live Paddy's day is a completely different kettle of fish compared to Georges day.

Paddy's day.....a few extra police cars patrolling

Georges day....loads of extra riot vans patrolling
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I was watching 'wife swap USA' today. One wife kept going on about Irish lessons....this meant anything from dancing, music, singing....I bet her great great Grand father was of Irish
Georges day parade....with a big scrap to end the night.
>No one appears to have noticed yet that today is St Patrick's Day.

Google have, look at their logo
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So have answerbank...look at their logo..
I'd go Zeuhl....I've spent most of my life here anyway.
Question Author
Give greetings to the Irish, and then ask perfectly harmless question, but it still doesn't stop the likes of Gromit and side kick Zeuhl from trying to turn it into a dig at me.

Who mentioned St Georges Day in particular?

It just goes to show their invidiousness, why can't they just make constructive answers appertaining to the question in hand?

If they find they can't do this, then why do they bother with an answer? because they are not funny.
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Question Author
It takes Zeuhl five posts to answer, when most people only use one.

Does he like to see his user-name in print or can't he think joined up?

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St Patrick's Day

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