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More empty promises.

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anotheoldgit | 14:40 Sat 27th Mar 2010 | News
6 Answers

I can understand all these pledges from an opposition party seeking office, but not from a party that has had 13 years to implement some of them.


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It is customary AOG tell give the electorate a clue to what you plan to do if you get elected.

It would be nice if Cameron offered up some Policies too, but he seems scared to tell us what they are.

So there is not much of a choice. It's between a party you know what they have been doing or a party that won't tell you anything.
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/// It's between a party you know what they have been doing ///

Precisely, we know what we have had to endure under labour for the last 13 years, we don't want to go through another 5 years, that is why they won't get in again.

/// or a party that won't tell you anything.///

On one hand, you keep your powder dry, and on the other you don't make rash promises that can not be carried out.

Early days yet, the election campaign hasn't got into full swing yet.
Now when did I hear those Labour pledges before ? Was it in 97, 01 , or 05 ?
Ah ! Maybe it was all three.
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So would you prefer a manifesto saying 'That's it, we don't plan to anything from now on'? You can only implement so many promises at a time; some people already accuse Labour of passing too much legislation. One after another is okay by me. Better to look at the promises and see if they're what you want, or if they're better than the Tories' (whatever the latter are).
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More empty promises.

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