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In the wake of MPs expenses scandal, I certainly believe that anything that helps the voter to more effectively elect candidates with integrity and fair policies is very important. The ability to formally express with a “None of Above” box disapproval of those candidates who lack integrity and whose policies would produce the most or obvious unfairness would be a definite significant step forward in the interests of the voter. It would make the individual candidates and their parties, I believe, far more responsive to what voters really want - before and after the actual vote.
I also believe a meaningful voter sensitive form of PR is essential.
Compulsory voting, “None of Above” reruns, neutral emergency team to run constituency until outcome of rerun, “Minus Votes” Facebook campaign or other campaigns are some of the ideas that may well have merit. I wont pretend I’m sure about these but they are ideas that could be explored, developed, and maybe tried. Perhaps, if you are certain of your ground on these ideas you can provide us with your own analysis of each ?