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Well have you tested this yourself Gromit? What did it say? come on be honest!
Question Author
It was a bit different from the one posted last week, in that you do the survey, and then tell it which 3 parties you would consider voting for (not include a party you would never vote for).

i came out:

76% of my answers favoured LIB DEM
73% of my answers favoured GREEN
49% of my answers favoured LAB
No surpsises there then Gromit!
Here's mine:

Tory 58%, Labour 35%, Libdem 27%
I did the test. The answer was:

Unfortunately none of the mainstream parties or any of those on the lunatic fringe can come close to representing your interests. Most of the things you want from a government are either deeply unpleasant, dangerous, offensive or contrary to the Health and Safety at Work Act or the European Convention on Human Rights or are prohibited under PACE (the Police and Criminal Evidence procedures) – and in many instances all of these.

We recommend that you seek urgent psychiatric advice as your profile puts you dangerously off the political spectrum and way beyond our analysis tool’s highest reading which is “somewhat to the right of Attila the Hun”.

So not much use to me and millions of other moderate right-minded folk.
The questions seem badly phrased and likely to generate bizarre results but it was rather entertaining
In some of the questions I disagreed but only because of how it was put, not that I agreed with the idea
I hope you didn't think the survey was on a secure site.

You now have a few days to settle your affairs, say goodbye to friends etc

Don't bother packing a bag - you won't be needing anything.

p.s. just hypothetically, for research purposes only, in terms of sudden demise, if you expressed a preference, would it be:

a) sitting under a tree after apparent suicide
b) fell of high balcony after heavy drinking session
c) disappearance with pile of clothes left on beach

For example: “The government should be compelled by law to halve the budget deficit within 4 years”

I had to disagree because I wnat it reduced by about 90% in that time. But by disagreeing it suggests I am quite happy to see continued profligacy.


The number of MPs should be reduced by 10%. I disagree, but only because I believe they should be reduced by about 80%.
I was quite surprised by my results:
LibDem 77
Greens 74
Labour 48
Cons 38.
The most surprising aspect for me was that Labour's score went up after I answered the additional questions, including the agreeing that the Iraq war was illegal.
well I agree with you on those judge, I agreed in the survey because it was at leasts step in the right direction, no one is going to have their exact views there.

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