Our ally in Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai has said he will join the Taliban.
“If you and the international community pressure me more, I swear that I am going to join the Taliban,” he is reported to have said.
The General Election has kept this off the British news agenda, but with our troops in that country shouldn't we be debating it and our future in Afghanistan?
Sorry R1Geezer, you must have got out of the wrong side of the bed.
The question is not anti-British. The Question is why are we fight for a President who says he will join the Taleban? If you had bothered to read the link, it explains the dilemma for NATO and the west.
I'm sure our troops in Afghanistan wouldn't consider it anti-British to ask why they are laying their lives on the line for Karzai and his country, when he threatens to join the enemy that are attempting to kill them.
Instead of posting offensive drivel using disgusting language, why don't you stick to posting questions about how long you have had the same batteries in your calculator.
It's toys out of pram time. Someones upset him, so what ? Why are you trying to turn it into somehting else? Some lefty handwringing exercise no doubt.
Get back to your muselei and Isington coffe shops and stay there.
Surely one needs a "rightyhand" as well as the other one before handwringing even becomes possible.
And again, just look at the language and tone of the right-wing responses that remain here, never mind what the removed ones sounded like!
it induces anger when the default position of your lefty tw&t is to hate their own country. Every response is lead with a snide anti British undertone. Forgive me if i get angry at their anti British dipstickery. Just read the title of this question and tell be when you see the coffins driven through Wootten basset with our dead trying to help these lowlife scum who don't derserve it that you don't feel a little hurt, if you don't then you are the enemy, end of story, you know who you are you left wing gutless peices of sh1te.